Chapter 6 Part 1: Asking Nhooph Out

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Nhooph had just come out of her locker room after having a match with Shayna Baszler and she headed to her car after saying goodbye to her friends.

After getting into her car, she drive to her hotel room and she parked her car and got her suitcase and locked her car.
She went into the hotel and she got into the elevator and eventually, she arrived at her hotel room and after closing her hotel room door behind her, she put her suitcase down and she laid down on the hotel bed and she got her phone out of her bag.

When she checked her phone, she saw that she had a voice message from Luke.

She smiled as she saw his name on her phone and she played the voice message from Luke.

Luke: h-hey Nhooph, it's me... look there's something that I would like to talk to you about so if you could, please call me back, hopefully I'll see you soon... bye.

Nhooph wondered what Luke would want to talk to her about as he sounded nervous and so she proceeded to call him while she was lying on her hotel bed and she was twirling her hair while waiting for Luke to answer.

Luke: hello ?

Nhooph: hey Luke, it's me.

Luke: oh h-hey Nhooph, how are you doing ?

Nhooph: I'm good, I've just got back to my hotel room after my match at the house show.

Luke: how did it go ?

Nhooph: it went pretty well, I got a roll up pin victory against Shayna Baszler.

Luke: nice, I'm proud of you.

Nhooph continued to twirl her hair with her fingers while she blushed at what Luke just said.

Nhooph: aww, thanks Luke, that's sweet of you.

Luke: don't mention it, it's okay.

Nhooph: so what was it you want to talk to me about ?

Nhooph knew what she was hoping for him to say and so she smiled while she bit her bottom lip as Luke started to tell her what he wanted to talk to her about.

Luke: o-oh yeah... uhhhh, so there's something that I would like to ask you.

Nhooph: and what would that be huh ?

Luke: w-well I wan't to ask you if you would l-like to.... Uhhhhh.

Nhooph: what Luke ? Don't be shy.

Luke: ummm wellll, if you aren't busy... i would like to ask you out on a date.

Then, quick as a flash and with a smile on her face, Nhooph accepted his offer of a date.

Nhooph: absolutely yes Luke, I would love to go on a date with you.

Luke: r-really ? Y-you do ?

Nhooph: (giggles) yes, I really do Luke, I like you Luke and I'd love to get to know you even more, you're a sweet guy, you care about your friends, you're funny and among other things, you're absolutely handsome.

Luke: o-okay, then it's a date.

Nhooph: it certainly is Luke.

Luke: does next week work for you ?

Nhooph: it definitely does, I can't wait.

Luke: me neither, I'll see you soon.

Nhooph: bye Luke, see you soon.

Luke: b-bye Nhooph.

Nhooph put her phone down on the bedside table and she got up off the bed and she had a big smile on her face as she went into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Luke was in his penthouse apartment and he had just gotten off the phone with Nhooph and he had a smile on his face and he put his phone in his pocket and then he got in the elevator and headed down to the club floor to check on things.

When he reached the club floor, he saw Chloe who had just arrived and he called her name.

Luke: hey Chloe !

Chloe looked over at Luke and she waved at him and he walked over to her.

Luke: how's everything going on here ?

Chloe could tell that Luke was happy and she had a hunch that it had something to do with Nhooph but still asked him.

Chloe: mind telling me why you've got a smile on your face the size of this building ?

Luke: I asked Nhooph out on a date and she said yes.

Chloe jumped up and down and clapped her hands together and then hugged Luke.

Chloe: I'm so happy for you Luke.

Luke: thanks, I'm already looking forward to it.

Chloe: I can tell, I don't think over ever seen you like this over a girl.

Luke: I know, I'm pretty nervous about it but also excited.

Chloe: well the main thing is, and I know that this may sound like something that's overused but it still rings true, but just be yourself, it's clear that she likes you already and you've just been yourself this whole time.

Luke: thanks Chloe.

Chloe: anytime, just remember that though.

Luke: so do you need anything down here or are you okay ?

Chloe: I'm good, thanks for checking in.

Luke: well I'd be a shit boss wouldn't I ?

Chloe: (chuckles) well thanks anyway.

One week later......

Luke was in the walk-in closet of his penthouse apartment getting ready for his date with Nhooph and he was a nervous wreck as he was trying to pick something to wear for the date that Nhooph would like.
He had a few suits to choose from and he kept going back and forth with them and he decided to choose via closing his eyes and randomly pointing at all until he chose to stop moving his hand.

Luke: okay, her we go... time to choose.

Luke kept pointing at the three suits until he stopped his hand and he opened his eyes and he saw the suit that he was pointing at.

Luke: okay, so it's this one.

Luke grabbed the suit and he put the others away.

He then grabbed the suit that he chose and he took it to his bedroom and he started to put it on.

He eventually finished getting ready, and he looked himself in the mirror and he started talking to himself.

Luke: okay Luke, today's the day, your date with Nhooph is going to be great and nothing will go wrong (deep breath) okay... let's do this.

Luke grabbed his phone and wallet and car keys but then he decided against taking his phone and he put it down on his coffee table and he put his wallet and keys in his pocket and headed out of his penthouse apartment.

He eventually got out of the elevator and he passed Chloe who teased him a little.

Chloe: now you have fun you hear ? But not too much fun okay ? (Laughs).

Luke blushed a little and he left his club and he got in his car but before he started driving, he took a deep breath and talked to himself one more time.

Luke: (deep breath) okay Walker... we're almost on our way, remember what Chloe said... just be yourself and maybe she'll want to go on another date with you.

Luke took another deep breath and then he started his car and drove away.

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