Chapter 8: Text Based Dalliance

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For months now, Luke and Nhooph have been happy together and they have certainly been active together regularly, she even stayed the night last night and she was the first to wake up in Luke's arms.

She yawned and her eyes opened and the first thing she saw was Luke's arms wrapped around her and he could feel his body against her back.
She smiled and she lightly kissed his hand and held it in hers.
Then she started to tell herself blushing as she remembered about what they got up to last night, she smiled and she bit her bottom lip.
She then started to feel turned on a bit and she decided to wake Luke up by rubbing her butt up and down his crotch making him hard and then she heard him whispering in her ear.

Luke: are you sure you want to start this ?

Nhooph responded by backing her butt up even more and then she heard Luke's wicked chuckle as one of his hands went from around her waist and down into her shorts and then after fifteen minutes of quick fun, they both hopped into the shower and washed each other off.

Another half an hour later, they were now in the kitchen of Luke's penthouse apartment and Nhooph was watching Luke making them some breakfast and she decided to take a photo of him and she put her phone down and she continued to check him out while he was making their breakfast.

Then when Luke had finished their breakfast, Nhooph folllowed him outside onto the balcony and they sat down together and ate their breakfast.

Then, after their breakfast, Luke made them both some coffee and he brought it out to her and they drank their coffee while they talked.

Luke: so what have you got planned for today ?

Nhooph: well me and the girls are gonna be hanging out and then we'll be heading out on the road for the next few shows.

Luke: let me know how those shows go, yeah ?

Nhooph nodded as she took a sip of her coffee and then she asked Luke what he'll be up to today.

Nhooph: and what about you baby ?

Luke: I'll be working at my club but before the club opens, I'll be going to my parents for dinner.

Nhooph: that sounds nice.

Luke: yeah, I haven't seen my brother in a couple of months now and he'll be there so it'll be good to see him again.

They both took another sip of their coffees and then Luke brought up that his parents have been asking questions.

Luke: my parents have been asking me questions lately, about why I've been smiling so much recently.

Nhooph: oh ?

Luke: they don't know yet, and I just wanted to see where you stand on it before I say anything to them.

Nhooph: I'm okay with our parents knowing, I've told mine and they're happy for me.

Luke: oh okay, awesome... so I can tell my parents why I've been so happy lately ?

Nhooph smirked as she put her coffee down and she got up and walked up to Luke and she sat on his lap and straddled him and she put her arms around the back of his neck and she looked into his eyes as he put his hands on her waist.

Nhooph: why are you happy, huh ?

Luke could tell she knew that he meant he had been happy since being with her and he decided to tease her a little bit.

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