Chapter 1: The Start

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Season 1, Episode 1

Serena Booth opens her door to the insistent knocking that's happening, "Seeley? What are you doing here?"

"I need a resume," He pushes in, looking around Serena's small apartment.

"What? Are you leaving the FBI? And do you really not know how to write a resume by this point in your life?" Serena asks.

Seeley looks up from the paperwork he was going through on his sister's desk, "What? No, not for me. I need one of your resume's. I think I have a job for you."

Serena crosses the room to slap her brother's hand off of her paperwork, "I told you, I'm not gonna work in the FBI labs. They have no respect for true science and testing."

He chuckles, "I know you think that, which is why I'm gonna get you a job at the Jeffersonian."

"Don't play with me Seeley," Serena stares at her brother, "The Jeffersonian is at the forefront of science and research. How the hell do you have an in there?"

"I feel like I should be insulted by that-"


"Fine," He shakes his head, "I'm partnering with Dr. Temperance Brennan. The forensi-"

Serena hits her brother's arm repeatedly in disbelief, "The forensic anthropologist that's at the forefront of all science? You are partnering with her?"

Seeley catches her wrist, "Stop hitting me. Now, resume?"

Opening her desk drawer, Serena pushes past all the denied jobs and grabs a fresh resume, "Seeley, if you're playing with me, I will never speak to you again."

"See you later. Look out for a call from Dr. Goodman or Bones!" Seeley calls out as he closes the door behind him.

"Wait," Serena opens the door, "Who's Bones?"


"Hello," Serena answers her phone as she's working on a computer software.

"Hello. This is Dr. Temperance Brennan from the Jeffersonian. Is this Dr. Serena Booth?"

"Oh, hi!" Serena turns her chair around, "Yes, I am Dr. Booth."

"Good. I've called to offer you a job at the Jeffersonian. We are in need of someone with your skills on computers as well as to aid our head botanist, entomologist, and mineralogist. Would you be interested in the position?"

"Yes, I would. I'm sorry, Seeley's played pranks on me before, so I have to ask. Are you really his partner?"

"In a way, yes. The Jeffersonian has a partnership with the FBI. I'm part of the Jeffersonian and he's part of the FBI. He calls on my team whenever he needs us. What kind of pranks does he play on you?"

"Nothing too bad. He's a typical older brother with a mind like a child at times. While he's working, he has to be so mature and grown-up, that sometimes he's a big kid in his personal life."

"Will you two be able to work together professionally? Because I will not have my lab be overran by Booth's who can't keep focus."

"I promise, Dr. Brennan, I can stay mature. Seeley know's I have boundaries and I've had decades of experience making sure they're respected."

"Good. I will see you tomorrow morning, seven o'clock."

Season 1, Episode 2

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