Chapter 2: Videos

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Season 1, Episode 3

Serena stands with Jack and Angela as they watch Zack try and talk with a woman, "Who's that with Zack?"

"Naomi from Paleontology. Naomi and Zack slept together about a month ago. Since then, she hasn't returned a single call."

"Oh," Angela and Serena sigh.

"You working on anything interesting?" Jack asks Serena as she'd been busy away from their shared lab.

Serena nods, "Yeah, uh, Angela and I are building a three-dimensional model of an Etruscan burial crypt. Anything new with the bugs?"

Jack shakes his head, "No, mostly silt profiles."

Angela sighs, "God, Etruscan burial crypts are so boring."

"Oh, good, you feel the same way," Serena smiles, "How are you not tearing your hair out at the silt profiles?"

"You know what we need?" Jack asks.

Serena's phone dings, "A murder investigation? Good thing Brennan and Seeley are out front right now, waiting for Zack. We've got a case."

Jack gets excited, "We've got a case? Why didn't you say that earlier? Zack! You've got to go," He starts running down the platform steps. 

Naomi takes the distraction and runs, "Oh, she really bolted. Doesn't look good for Zack."

"Come on, Zack. Shake it off. Be a man," Jack starts guiding him to the door. 

Angela tries a kinder approach, "You okay, honey?"

"She said take a hint. But when I asked, what hint? Naomi then said if she told me, it wouldn't be a hint. It would be a statement."

Serena nods, shrugging, "I mean, technically she's not incorrect."

"You know what's good? Throwing yourself into your work, huh?" Jack interrupts, grabbing Zack's bags.

"You really do hate slime profiles. Have a little compassion," Angela stops them.

Zack turns to the women, "I understood her individual words, but I do not comprehend her meaning."

"Did you tell Naomi that?" Serena asks.

"Yes. She said, ask your friends, if I have any."

Serena and Angela share a look before Serena guides Zack out, "You know, Jack is right. Best not to keep Seeley waiting. He's a whiney bitch when he's impatient."

"Get out there and bring us back a case, buddy," Jack calls out before Angela turns to Serena.

"Is it a good idea to call a FBI agent a whiney bitch?"

Shrugging, Serena chuckles, "Probably, but it's not just any FBI agent. It's my pain in the ass older brother that usually shoots any guy within five feet of me."

Jack takes a giant step away from Serena as if Seeley was about to come in, guns ablaze.


The Jeffersonian staff stand around, taking notes on the body in front of them as Brennan says, "I make this a male. Approximately 5 foot, 6 inches, 130 pounds. From the looks of the sternum and skull, I'd say mid-adolescence. Say, 14 to 17. High cheekbones, you think maybe Asian?"

Angela rocks from foot to foot as she shakes her head, "I'm getting more of a Hispanic vibe."

Serena is looking at the body, "There is a significant crematogaster ant colony in the tree that fed on the body, as well as...I can't place the type of maggots, Hodgins?"

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