Chapter 3: Bear

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Season 1, Episode 4

Serena waters some of her plants in her lab as Jack spins in one of his stools, "Dr. Hodgins, are you five years old?"

"No," He stops spinning with a huff, "We need some excitement in this lab."

"Jack, you work in the most formidable governmental lab in the world under the watch of Dr. Brennan and Dr. Goodman as well as the FBI, not to mention that you get to work with me. I would think that's all the excitement you need."

He shrugs, "I want a case."

Serena sighs, setting her watering pot down, "You can't just say you want a case and it'll fall out of the sky."

Seeley knocks on the door to the lab, "Hey, Bug-Boy, Ser, Bones and I are heading to Washington state to look at a human hand found in a bear."

Jack turns to Serena with his arms raised, "Am I good, or am I good?"

She glares at him, "Shut up."


"All I'm saying is, why cut somebody into pieces?" Jack asks as he, Serena and Zach look over the case.

"Pack them tighter-say, in a suitcase," Zach suggests, sitting in the tight space between Serena and Jack.

Jack takes the pictures from Zach, "How would a bear open a suitcase?"

Zach shrugs, "I saw a documentary once where a bear got in a car and drove away."

Serena doesn't even look at either of the boys to her left, "That wasn't a documentary, it was a cartoon."

"Hello," A female delivery person walks up to them, "I'm looking for Zach Addy. I've got a package of human remains."

Jack is quick to jump up, "I can sign for that. Where's Jimmy."

"Tahiti, Fiji, who knows?" She tells him, "He won the lottery."

"Is it too much of a line to say, no, we won the lottery?" Jack flirts, causing Serena to snort, "It was. You know what? I take it back. It's just, compared to you, Jimmy, you know..."

"The third nostril," She supplies.

Jack nods, "That whistling sound. Unfortunately, it is too soon to ask you to have coffee."

"It is?"

"Yes, coffee is the third delivery capper."

She asks him, "So what is the first delivery capper?"

Jack puts his hands on his hips, "Initial contact, meet cute, light flirting."

Serena looks over to Jack, confused, "You said we won the lottery cause she delivered us human remains. How is that light flirting?"

He waves her off as the woman grabs her clipboard, "Then I'll catch you in another couple of deliveries."

"Okay," He takes the package, "Bye."

Zach moves to stand next to Jack as the two watch her walk away, "You bogarted my package."

"You panicked and froze, my man. Thus, the package came into play. Also the incorrect usage of the word bogarted, my friend," Jack handed the package to Zach and walks away.

"How is that I work in the Jeffersonian Institution in Washington DC and still work with complete idiots?"


Serena comes across the delivery woman, "Hey, another package for Zach Addy?"

"Uh, yes," She looks at the name.

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