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Sokka groaned as they hit another bump along the way to the fire palace, his broken leg getting jostled again.
"Aye Toph can't you be any nicer about this?"

They had just landed after taking down the balloons. Toph and Suki were leading the way quickly as Toph used her bending to make them travel faster. Sokka was laid up in a chair they had found with Piandao holding the back to keep him steady, while Jeong Jeong kept an eye behind them in case anyone wanted to fight them. The comet was gone and Iroh had stayed to help Aang and Bumi lock away Ozai. But the palace seemed quiet as they approached which made Sokkas heart race.
"Toph...where the hell are Katara or Zuko?"

Toph wrinkled her nose as the earth went back down, moving around slowly.
"That crazy princess is in the courtyard ahead with one person near her. I can't find the others."

Sokka could see her nose wrinkle as her own sign of worry and felt his heart clench as Piandao pushed the chair forward. He caught Suki throwing back a small smile as she entered the open doors, fans extended to fight as needed.

"What the-?"

Sokka looked up at his master as they entered behind her, taking in it all. The building had clearly suffered from a fight here, with burns on the roof even as small fires were getting put out. But what caught his eye was Azula, slumped in chains and just crying. There was a guard near her that looked barely older than Sokka, staring at them.

"Y-you're with the Avatar right? And the waterbender girl?"

Jeong Jeong stepped forward, hands held forward.
"We are. What happened here?"

The guard stiffened as he held up his hands.
"We're not going to fight you. Princess Azula has been given a sedative to help her. Prince Zuko and she fought an Agni Kai. Zuko burned her, but she bent lightening sir. At the other girl. But Prince Zuko he he..."

Sokka slowly stood, using Tophs shoulder as a crutch as he inched forward, growling. The guard looked on the verge of tears, but all Sokka could focus in on was their locations.
"Where are they?"

"Inside sir. Jaiya is standing guard outside the room. The waterbender said she could heal him. He has to live. Prince Zuko is the only person who can save our nation. The lightening. It struck him in the chest. She has to save him!"

Piandao stiffened beside Sokka, causing him to slowly look up at the swordsmaster.

"Iroh has taught us the dangers of lightening. Benders split themselves internally to produce it. It's dangerous for their minds and those that receive."

"But Sparky can redirect it! He did it when Ozai shot him that time remember?"

Sokka looked at Toph, suddenly going pale.
"But he didn't. He...shit!"

Sokka started to stumble up to the stairs before firm hands grabbed his arms. Sukis smile was gone as she wrapped his arm around her shoulder and Piandao led the the way. They found the lone guard in the hall like the other had said, but she looked way scarier.

"Your healer is occupied boy I am sorry. But she said to let you in whenever your people arrived. Were you told of what happened?"

Jeong Jeong nodded as pushed the door open, moving to the side to hold it for them. Suki helped Sokka limp in, mouths dropping open in shock.

Katara was sobbing as she held Zukos head in her lap, his body moving harshly without a reason.

"I can't fix this. I can't fix this Tui and La please help me!"

Sokka let himself sink to the floor as he stared at the omegas jerking body, eyes focused in on the red lightening pattern over his chest. Suki pushed forward and knelt beside Katara, holding Zukos arms in her hands to stop them from slamming into the floor again.

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