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Zuko tried to bury his growing anxiety as he stared at the cheering crowd, nodding to his uncle as he straightened his back.

Iroh only smiled fondly and nodded to the servants waiting on either side of the curtain, clasping his hands in his sleeves as he stood beside Zuko.

Zuko's heart skipped a few beats as the curtains were slowly drawn back, exposing them to the crowd that went silent. He swallowed nervously before starting to make his way to the balcony with Iroh right beside him, hands hung at his side and clenched in fists, hidden in his sleeves. He came to the rug on the ground marking where he was to stop, bowing to his Uncle first and then to the priest before facing the crowd again. His eyes caught on his friends in the front, giving a small smile as he sank to his knees on the rug, arms crossing in front of him before bowing to his people. It caught him off guard as the silence was broken by shouts and cheers, almost making him look back up from the ground he was staring at as his face flushed.

Iroh moved to the side as his nephew knelt before the crowd of people, standing beside Chief Hakoda and Aang, both who were staring out at the familiar faces in the front it seemed. His own attention went back to the priest as the crowd was silenced with a wave of his hand.

"On this day before our God Agni and the Fire Nation people, we are to crown the next Firelord. In our attendance for this ritual we are graced with the presence of not only the Avatar, but the Southern Water Tribe Chief who are here giving their approval of our choice. Prince Zuko rise."

Zuko slowly rose from his bowing position, sinking back on his heels as he knelt again, staring out at the crowd.

"Prince Iroh has chosen you to inherit the Firelordship after revoking his own position. Do you approve of you stepping into this role?"

Zuko cleared his throat, eyes catching on Sokka who was grinning and giving two thumbs up, Katara and Suki who were smiling and nodding, and on Toph who just simply smiled.
"I do!"

"Avatar Aang. Chief Hakoda. Do you both approve of Prince Zuko inheriting the throne and accept his leadership for the Fire Nations future with your own nations?"

Hakoda stepped forward first, turning to face the people.
"I Chief Hakoda of the Southern Water Tribe, give not only my approval, but also the approval of my entire tribe to see Prince Zuko on the throne."

Aang slowly stepped up beside him, straightening his back as he nodded eagerly.
"Yes I uh I the Avatar give my approval for Zuko I mean Prince Zuko to become the next Firelord."

Zuko snorted some at how Aang stumbled over his words, keeping his face neutral. The boy could rally villages to fight for his cause, but formal public speaking still seemed to be something they would need to work on.

The Priest held out a quill to Hakoda while Iroh held a scroll in front of them. Both males signed the bottom before stepping back to where they had been before.

"With signed approval from not only our own Nation, but two others we can continue along with Prince Zukos coronation. Prince Zuko. Do you promise to honor your nation and fight for your people? Do you swear to keep their best interests at heart if you take the throne? Will you work to better the Fire Nation always and keep us strong?"

Zuko slowly raised his arms in front of his torso as he stared at the crowd nervously. He was trying to keep himself from shaking as he felt a million eyes on him.
"I Prince Zuko vow to always keep the Fire Nation first in my heart and my people at the forefront of my mind with every decision I make. I will work to better our nation and make us strong again. I will reforge our lost connections to the other nations and help us heal as one. I will do all that as your leader if you will accept me."
He finished with a bow, holding it still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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