Personal Assistant

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Estella Flickerman swallowed the huge lump in her throat as she stepped into the building. It was one of the busiest days on the streets of the Capitol she had seen in a while, after all it was July 4th - reaping day.

When she had woken this morning she could not bear to even open her eyes. Reaping day is not something she enjoyed. Now she wasn't a rebel, nothing like that. But she couldn't bring herself to become invested in girls and boys just a few years younger than herself, just to watch them brutally die. At first she suspected she was a pacifist. When her family would gather round to watch, usually with a large spread of food and drinks, and she could just not bear to look. But a few months ago she found some old tapes of her uncles, of a mentor being stabbed after taunting a tribute with food, and she found it quite satisfying. This left Estella unsure of her beliefs, and unconvinced that she was against violence in every circumstance.

She had every intention to make some excuse this morning, but her mother came dashing into her room.

''Moberry has pulled out, some sort of fever. Uncle luke wants to know if you will fill in. Just until Moberry is better, but this is your chance, you never know, they might offer you something else, soon enough you'll be just like your uncle. You must do it, infact i've already said yes on your behalf, get dressed.''

''Good morning to you too, mother.''

But, sure enough, her mother got her way, because within the hour she was stood in the lobby of the Games Council building, awkwardly looking around for someone to ask for instructions. She didn't even know who Moberry was, what his job was, if she was even qualified to fill in for him. She suspected he was some sort of stylist, perhaps.

She walked up to the front desk, where a relatively plain woman sat, agressively typing away.

''Sorry.'' She says, bluntly. ''It will just be a moment, reaping day.''

''Not a problem.'' Estella says. She stands there for a minute or two, just sort of watching the woman do her job. She suddenly looks up from her desk.

''How can I help?'' She asks.

''I'm here to fill in for Moberry, i'm not sure exactly what i'm supposed''

''Oh yes I got the memo from Lucretious. You must be his darling neice he speaks so highly of. Go up to the tenth floor, as you step out of the elevator, turn left, walk all the way to the end of the coridoor, at the very end, is his office.''

''I thought my uncles office was on the fifteenth floor?''

''Not your uncle, Coriolanus Snow.''

''Snow?'' Estella asked, slightly repelled. ''What am I doing in there?''

''Hubert Moberry is Mr Snow's personal assisstant.'' The receptionist said flatly. She suddenly turned away and started conversing with a flamboyant man who Estella hadn't noticed before.

''Okay then. Snow.''


Estella made her way up to his office, a pit forming in her stomach. Coriolanus Snow had been two years above her at the academy, and although she had never had the, pleasure, of meeting him, she had heard about as many rumours as possible to hear about one man.

She knocked twice, as politely as she could.

''Come in.'' A deep voice called out.

She opened the door, standing in the door frame, awaiting further instruction.

Snow locked eyes with her. He had piercing blue eyes, often described as hateful and unkind, via word of mouth. His blonde hair was carefully combed back, and skin as golden as ever. It was only five years ago that he left the academy, but he looked a lot more mature. She admired how he didn't pamper himself like some capitol men, how he felt authentic, even if he was authentically a massive dickhead. She wondered if he would recognise her. Then she noticed him, still staring, clearly waiting for her to introduce herself.

''Hi. Oh. Um. Good morning, Mr Snow. I'm Estella Flickerman, your temporary personal assisstant.'' She expected a nod and some instructions, but instead the corner of his mouth turned up slightly, almost into a half smile.

''I didn't even know I was expecting a temporary personal assistant."

''Oh, sorry, yeah. Hubert Moberry has a fever. I did think maybe this was a mistake, i'm not exactly qualified to be here. I think i'm going to go back down to reception.''

''No.'' Snow says, firmly. ''Stay. You are less repulsive than Hubert, and I like how I can make your name into an adjective, that doesn't rhyme with puberty. Sit'' He nods at a green armchair in front of his desk.

Estella doesn't allow herself to chuckle. She knows Snow's game, and promises herself she will not begin to like, or even worse, trust him. She questions his behaviour internally, but takes the seat that he directed her to.

''Obviously there are lots of preparations ahead of the next few weeks. As the head of tribute coordination, my priority is getting to know the tributes. We need to know their strengths, weaknesses, little things about them which can come in handy. I then feed this back to Dr. Gaul, who uses the information however she wishes. So today, we watch the live feed of the reapings, you take the girls I take the boys. We use the captiol library system to run background checks, see what we can find out. We coordinate with Dr. Gaul, the team of mentors, and the new addition stylists." He looks at Estella. "I know how you might feel, uncertain about the necessity, and moral aspects of the game. But I assure you, we are only trying to help the tributes, give them better odds."

''Okay. That sounds, within my capabilities.''

''And tonight, you'll accompany me to the Reaping Day ball, given you want to. ''

Estella's eyes widened slightly, "Is that custom? For the personal assistant to accompany you?"

"I've never had a personal assistant before, but Hubert was going to come along with me. You can wear the suit I've had made up for him if you'd like."

Estella didn't say anything.

"I'm only joking." Snow said, his eyes gleaming. "Tigris will have something ready for you before tonight, I'll have someone drop it off at your residence."

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