[EP 8] How do we go on from here?

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The doctor had given Pond, Phuwin and Joong a clean bill of health. Phi Net and Phi James had sent them home since there was nothing much they could do for Dunk and visiting hours were over. The three of them sat in their own apartment trying to process what had happened within the short few days as the adrenaline died down. None of them could bring themselves to do what they had previously enjoyed. Images of the past few days haunt them. Their lives forever changed.

Pond struggled more than the rest as he looks at Dunk's stuff scattered around their shared apartment. Images of their play fights and his innocent laughter flash across his eyes. A video call from Phuwin broke him out of his reverie.

"Hey" Pond said shakily.

"I guess you are not doing too well too." Phuwin had a ghost of smile.

"No, I guess I'm not" he managed a small laugh to lighten the mood. He felt touched that Phuwin had thought of checking in on him. But he guessed that he was as equally affected by the whole ordeal as he was. Phuwin decided to add Joong onto the call halfway through their conversation. His blood shot eyes, a testament to his current state of mind. Phuwin had invited them over for the night since none of them were able to sleep. They had all agreed. 


When Phuwin mentioned apartment, Pond thinks he forgot to add penthouse in front of it. It was huge. Pond had told Phuwin so.

"Well, it would be if I did get to buy the other unit and let it stretch out through this floor. But I've never met my neighbour though. So sometimes it does feel like mine." Phuwin laughed. The three of them had a quiet chat through the night until exhaustion took over. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Here's a little break from all the adrenaline and tension. a little PondPhuwin moment. Be patient JoongDunk fans, it'll take a while to get to them since Dunk is out of commission. 

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