(Chapter 2) What's Magic?

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Tundra's POV

From the day I hatched and onwards, my father's expectations were high. He made sure that I knew that. He loved me, but his way of showing it seemed to vary from day to day. He was a painfully passive aggressive dragon who could go from adoring one moment to distant the next, and praise from him was rare but genuine. Constantly, he encouraged me, and pushed me to put myself out more, despite the fact I was very content with being quiet and out of the way.

He wanted someone who could lead our small community, to be their Guide, as he was called. He wanted to mold me into his ideal successor. But I was never much of a leader. I was small and shy, and I often clung to my mother's side whenever I was able. Bigger dragons scared me, especially when I didn't know them. However, that didn't stop my father from trying his hardest to influence me. He took me to whatever events he could, forcing me to socialize and interact with the dragons he spoke to.

The most common thing we did together was go to the market. I was dragged along through all the stalls, and occasionally he let me choose something that I wanted. Everyone in town knew my father, and he seemed to know everyone too. He smiled at strangers, and the dragons that spoke to him first seemed nice enough. Still, I couldn't help but be wary of them. Behind their polite behaviors were high hopes that managed to seep their way through every sentence they spoke about me.

"Well, if it isn't the little guy himself!" a large brown and red dragon exclaimed from behind his stand, showing his yellowed tusks in a grin. His curly horns and red scales that were scattered across his bulky frame made me think he was a hybrid, a Sky-Mud one more specifically. But he was also a butcher who was skinning a deer as we spoke, it's red blood coating staining his talons. I hid between my father's legs as they chatted over cuts of meat, praying that he wouldn't say anything. To my dismay, he quickly noticed me, and my father nudged me forwards with a smile, forcing me to interact.

"Yep, it's the one and only," Father said, cheerfully placing a talon on my head. "Say hello to Redtail, Tundra."

I hesitated for a moment before nervously mumbling a "Hello," avoiding his gaze. Strangers scared me, but Father often told me to be polite anyways, as being confident gives off a much better impression and leaves you in charge of the interaction. Social skills made great leader, as Father said.

"Heard he was sick a little while back," Redtail continued, tilting his head at me. "Glad to see he's recovered."

"He's a strong kid," Father responded, slightly pulling my head upwards so that I would stop looking down at my talons. "He's going to be an excellent Guide when I'm gone. Isn't that right, Tundra?" He turned to face me. He was smiling, but his pale eyes looking directly into mine seemed to say, 'Say yes or else.'

Sheepishly, I nodded. "That's- That's right."

Seemingly satisfied, my father turned back to Redtail, grinning. He put a wing around me and said, "See? Heard it from the boy himself," and laughed.

The butcher laughed too. "Good to see we're going to be left in such capable claws. Glad you stopped by to chat, Snowmelt. It's always a pleasure. Oh, and here." He took a rag from behind his stall to wipe the red off his arm, and cheerfully held out a now clean hand and dropped a few shiny coins into my father's palm. "This is just a bit of an offering for all that you've done for us."

Father dipped his head in thanks. "You're too kind," he said, slipping the money away in a small pouch around his wrist. With a final wave and a small nudge of his wing, we headed back down the street. I could finally stop holding my breath.

We purchased the rest of what we needed from the market and headed back home carrying bags of various fruits and other goods. He let me slip in and out from between his legs for the rest of trip, making me feel much safer. My heartbeat soon went back to normal as we left the market and headed home. On our walk back, my father smiled and looked down at me.

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