(Chapter 6) Treacherous, Treacherous Thing

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Tundra's POV

4 Years Later...

"You want me to talk to the Skywings?" I asked, alarmed. Father often met with the surrounding tribes for political reasons, but it was strange for him to want to bring me along.

"No, you don't have to say anything, kid," he sighed exasperatedly. "But you're getting older now, you need to understand diplomatic meetings and all that. Come on, don't bail on me now."

I nervously shuffled on my feet, unsure. I had never been the best with other dragons, at least; not like Father was. "I- I don't know, Father..." I said quietly, and he gave me a harsh look. "Wouldn't it be better to have me stay at home? Skywings... they aren't really the friendliest... and I-"

He just rolled his eyes and dug his claws into the floorboards. "Stop backtalking me, Tundra," he snapped. "Listen, all you have to do is sit in the corner and look like you have some decency, ok? Is that so difficult?"

I shook my head. "No, Father," I mumbled, dipping my head respectfully, and he huffed.

"Alright then," he said. "Your scales are dull, and they're supposed to arrive this afternoon." He ushered me towards the stairs. "Go polish them and don't take too long." I nodded, but before I could get too far, Father added, "And take this stupid necklace off," he snarled, tugging at the rings around my neck. "It's trashy, and we're here to make a good impression."

"Yes, Father," I said dejectedly, and I turned back to the stairs. I knew he hated those rings, but I was still going to keep them. I couldn't just throw them away; they were all I had left of Mother.

When she had left years ago, Father had been furious. He had snarled in my face, demanding me to tell him where she had gone. I did, and he left with a huff. He'd stayed gone for days, leaving me alone in an empty house to mourn on my own.

I never found out what Father was doing out there, but it wasn't too long before he came back, seeming colder and more distant than ever. All of Mother's jewelry, from her shiny golden earrings to her simple leather bracelets, were piled into a sack. Even their wedding silks were trashed, the white fabric stuffed to the bottom. Father took me out into the mountains to toss them away.

Father was a living reminder of what I did that day. I remembered standing on the peak, watching the harsh winds toss the silks and scatter the jewelry as Father's expression remained cold and cynical. He had been silent the entire flight there.

"Are those Fennec's rings?" was the first thing he said to me. He motioned at the leather cord around my neck, looking repulsed by its very presence,

I nodded hesitantly. "She... Mother gave them to me before she left." I held them up for him to see, and he stared at the rings with a longing expression before his face twisted into a scowl. Angrily, he pried a handful of golden bands from his own fingers and threw them into the wind.

"Take that stupid thing off," Father snarled at me. "I don't want to see those rings. We aren't to speak of the traitorous bitch from now on."

That was the first time I think I ever spoke back. "N-No," I said, gripping the metal in my palm. Father's face looked stunned at first, but it quickly shifted into rage.

"Give 'em here, kid," he spat, ignoring my comments. Again, I shook my head no and stepped backwards, making him even more angry.

"Since when did you start talking back?" Father growled and grabbed my wrist to jerk me forwards. I yelped at the sudden pain of his ridged claws but held on the best I could. "Just give me the damn necklace, Tundra!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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