Breaking the News to Anna

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Anna went down for breakfast after she heard her mom call. Her mom made her chocolate chip pancakes, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of orange juice.  Anna ate all of this quickly as she was hungry since she had not eaten since the night before. "Thank you for the food Mom, It was super good! " Exclaimed Anna. "Your welcome baby"! her mom replied. After Anna ate breakfast she went to go watch TV for a while. She watched a couple episodes of "The Bachelor" because it was one of her favorite shows.  After a while Anna's breakfast made her way into her diaper.  Anna got down from the couch and squatted on the floor and started to push. Anna pushed 2 solid logs into her diaper, after she pooped she let out a 30 second pee into her diaper. Then she sat back down on her couch. She felt the feeling of her poop squishing around in her diaper, it aroused her very much. Anna was interrupted by her mom, "Anna stand up".  Anna stood up, after Anna stood up her mom pulled back the waistband of her diaper and saw a large brown lump. "Anna how about you go grab me a new diaper to change you into, you need changed". 

Anna went into her bedroom and grabbed a new Huggies diaper, and a pack of wipes. Then she walked back to the couch where her mom was sitting, and gave her mom the diaper and wipes and the diaper change started. Anna's mom untaped the diaper tapes and used the front of the diaper to get the big chunks of poop out of the way. Then she finished wiping Anna's poop, and then she wiped her privates, then taped up the new diaper, and finally, rolled up the poopy diaper and gave it to Anna to go throw away. After Anna threw away the diaper she sat back on the couch. Anna's mom then spoke up, "Anna, have you ever thought about maybe getting potty trained?' Anna replied back, "I never thought about it, it is easier just to be able to pee and poo wherever I want." "Anna, your going to be a freshman soon, you might wanna get potty trained" "But mom, I really really don't want to." "Tell you what Anna, If you potty train and can use the potty at school and in public, I will still let you stay in diapers 24/7 at home, do we have a deal?" "Yes Mom" "So if you feel like you need to go potty you come and get me, and after this diaper is used, we will change you into a pull up, got it baby? "Yes mom, thank you" Anna now has to learn a whole new skill, which will come and change her life. 

Anna's Path to Potty TraningWhere stories live. Discover now