A Pee Pee in the Potty, and a Poopy Pull-Up

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After Anna got changed into her Pull-Up she had to wonder; "how do I know when I need to go potty"? Anna had to find out, so she took her phone and went into the bathroom, sat on the potty, and waited. Anna sat on the toilet and played phone games, texted her friends, and tried to sense the need to poop or pee.  After Anna hit hour three, she had went pee pee on the potty! "Mom come in here quick", Anna shouted! Anna's mom came rushing into the bathroom. "what did you need baby"? "Mommy I went pee pee on the potty"! Anna's mom looked inside the toilet bowl and saw it was yellow. "Oh my gosh baby, I am so proud of you, lets get your Pull-Up back up and let's go have dinner. Anna sat at the table with her mom, she had made them pasta for dinner. Anna and her mom were talking about dinner when Anna felt something that felt to familiar, she felt the need to poop and did not know it. After Anna and her mom had talked for a little bit, Anna started to poop in her Pull-Up. It was three solid logs of poop and a long pee. Her mom did not notice at first so Anna did not say anything. After they were done with dinner Anna helped her mom clean up. Just as Anna was about to leave the kitchen her mom said, "I have not diaper checked you for a while, come over here and turn around". Anna went over to her mom with her butt facing her. Anna's mom pulled back the waistband of the diaper and saw a huge poopy mess. "Anna, did you feel when you needed to go poopy?" "I kind of did, I felt something weird and then my poop came out". "next time baby you need to tell me when you poop so I can get you cleaned up sooner, okay baby". "Ok Mommy" "now go grab me a new diaper to change you into, the day is almost over so you can wear a diaper". Anna went up to her bedroom and decided that she was going to wear a Pampers diaper to bed, as it had been while since she had worn a Pampers last. Anna grabs the wipes and the new diaper and goes down to her mom. She gives her mom the clean diaper and the pack of wipes and her mom got to work. Her mom starts by ripping the sides off of the Pull-Up and brings the front down, then she uses the front of the Pull-Up to get as much of the poop of Anna's butt as possible. After she wipes Anna's butt, which takes a long time and a lot of wipes, it was a huge poop. After all of the poop was wiped off Anna's mom finished by wiping her privates, and then taping up the new Pampers. "there you go baby", Anna's mom says while she patted Anna's bottom. "thank you so much mom, sorry I had so much poop". "It's ok baby, let's just try to get it into the potty next time, now go get changed into pajamas, I will be going to bed soon" "Okay mom, I love you" "I love you too baby".  Anna goes up to her bedroom and puts shorts and a T-shirt on, and then she played on her phone for a couple hours, around 10:00 she fell asleep. 

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