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"Your ex is a bitch."

Kit shut his eyes as he prepared for another rant from his girlfriend. Ever since the release of the ep, all Annie could ever talk about was Summer and her music. Kit had entertained it at the start but now it was growing so old and he was getting sick of it. 

He knew it was wrong to side with Summer, especially since she was in the wrong. She was the one who confessed her feelings and the truth about the ep. She was the one who did this when she knew he had a girlfriend. But then again, he was the one who couldn't cut her out of his life. And he didn't want to. 

Summer was always so sweet to him. She stayed good friends with all of his friends and he liked that. She had Wasia Project open for her Europe Tour so they could grow further and always promoted their music. She always supported everyone's projects and constantly posted about their achievements because she wanted them to grow. It was hard to believe half the world hated her at one point because she was so kind to everyone, including him when he found love again after their breakup. 

"Why do you even care?" Kit asked before he could stop himself. He winced as he heard how harsh his words sounded. He glanced at Annie, who was looking at him angrily. "I just mean that we're dating. I'm with you. Why are you letting this get to you?"

"Because obviously she's still thinking about you," the girl argued, "She's going after a guy with a girlfriend."

"Is she though?" Kit asked, "I mean, other than the songs, she hasn't made any real moves."

"What do you mean real moves?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing," Kit lied. Why was he lying? This was his girlfriend. Why was he protecting a girl who had broken his heart. 

"Why aren't you sticking up for me?" Annie huffed, "You should be defending me. You should be setting stronger boundaries with her. I mean, god, she should've at least asked you if these songs were okay with you! They're clearly about you and it makes me look like an idiot."

"What am I meant to do?" Kit argued, "This is all new from you. We were all friends and she's been nothing but nice to you. Why do you suddenly hate her?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, Kit?" Annie snapped, "Why shouldn't I hate her? She'll always be the one who got away to you."

"That's not true," Kit told her, "This is all new. Is it just because of her music?"

"She released a song called 'A Nonsense Christmas' which is based on 'Nonsense' which, if you recall, was about you!" Annie pointed her finger at him, "Don't even get me started on 'Cindy Lou, Who?'"

"I can't erase the fact that I used to date her," Kit said. 

"I just wish you would try," Annie crossed her arms.

"Maybe I don't want to," Kit blurted out. 

Annie raised her eyebrows. She stared him down and Kit cringed, knowing he fucked it now. She let the silence fill the room as she thought of her response. 

Deep down, she always knew that she would be second to Summer. When she first met Kit, he was still so hung up on his ex and talked so highly about her. When they started their relationship, Annie wanted to hate her. All of Kit's friends loved her and it showed how much she loved them. But Summer was so freaking likable and Annie hated it because she worked so hard and barely achieved half of what Summer could. 

"I'm sorry," Kit told her gently, "I'm so sorry, Annie."

"I hope you two are happy," Annie told him with tearful eyes, "Merry fucking Christmas."

As Annie walked out of his apartment, he sighed deeply. He knew he should chase after her. Follow her and tell her she doesn't want anyone but her. But even she knew that he would be lying. He still wanted Summer and he always would. He never recovered from the break up and they all knew the truth. As much as Annie tried to pretend, Kit would always have love for the blonde girl. 

Summer Clarke would always have Kit's heart. 

AUTHORS NOTE: guys i got so busy working that i forgot to keep updating this story i'm not gonna lie 

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