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text messages. private.
two participants . . .

winter wonderland ( summer )
willy wonka ( will )

willy wonka
summertime sadness

winter wonderland
yes will

willy wonka
are you doing anything tonight

winter wonderland
other than crying while stalking kit on instagram?
no no plans

willy wonka
you are actually so pathetic

winter wonderland
i know

willy wonka
some of us are going out to a bar
wanna come so you can see some of the others?

winter wonderland
i would but kit doesn't want to see me
i don't want to make things awkward

willy wonka
he's actually not invited
we see him all the time

winter wonderland
you didn't invite him?

willy wonka
okay well maybe that was a lie
maybe i asked him to come out first
and he said i should invite you instead so you could see the others
he's so caring and lovely isn't he?
you should fix ur problems and date him again

winter wonderland
will ur meant to be making me seem lovely
i already think kit's the best
he's the one that doesn't want to see me
he thinks i'm ugly now 😔

willy wonka
he literally doesn't think that at all
he's not going out and he's fine with you seeing the others

winter wonderland
i guess it beats crying while looking at old photos of us
come pick me up later?

willy wonka
of course
no more dirty christmas jokes though

winter wonderland
i'll be so good that santa will consider coming twice!

real life. present.

Summer's night out wasn't going as bad as she thought it would. Her old friends were all super excited to see her again and it definitely helped that they refused to let her buy her own drinks. Summer was ever the party girl so she was happily finishing her drinks quickly so she could hold a new one in her hand.

Everyone had missed her dearly and made an effort to avoid the topic of her ex boyfriend. They didn't want her to grow upset. Especially since Will had warned them of her pathetic plans before being dragged out. It wasn't until Summer had at least seven drinks that she pulled Olivia into a corner to dance before uttering his name.

"I miss Kit," she admitted to her friend quietly, "I don't know what to do."

"I know, darling," Olivia smiled gently, cupping the girls face softly. Summer leant into her touch, staring at her friend fondly. She really did love Olivia and Will with her heart. Out of all of the people Kit had introduced her too; they were by far her closest and most valued friends. "Just try to have fun tonight and we'll talk tomorrow. Who knows what sort of nonsense you'll get up to in this state."

Summer nodded her head as they made their way to the bar again to get another round of drinks. Summer finally pushed her card forward so she could pay, sticking out her tongue at Olivia who only groaned in response. As they grabbed their drinks, they made their way back to the dance floor with the others.

The blonde girl was admittedly having fun until she turned her head and glanced at a couple sharing sweet kisses under a mistletoe that had been hung up in the doorway. Her smile fell from her face as she thought about the boy all her damn christmas songs had been about.

Now she was spending Christmas alone, just like she had last year.

"Fuck it," she muttered under her breath, quickly finishing her drink before placing it back on the bar. She then turned around, determined to make it out of the door.

She pushed through the crowds of people, wincing as the loud music blared and everyone bounced against each other. The flashing lights were blinding her and she felt her stomach churn as the drink she downed struggled to settle. A hand grabbed her, turning her around with a confused expression.

"Summer?" Will shouted over the music, "Where are you going?"

"I need some air," Summer lied to the boy, her words slurring slightly, "I'll be back in a minute. I'll text you if I need help."

"I'll come with you," Will pushed.

"I'm fine, Will," she gave him a smile, "Stay with the others. I just need a minute."

Summer turned around and kept pushing her way through the crowd in hopes to reach the door. People knocked into her and spilt their drinks on her pretty outfit, but she was determined to feel the cold December air on her skin.

She smiled happily as she reached the door, pushing it open and stumbling out into the street. She leaned against the window, reaching into her purse and grabbing out her phone.

She stared at her phone nervously, seeing that it only had about 5% of charge left. The blonde was quick to open her contacts and click on the person who's voice she had been dying to hear since she landed in London.

After three rings, the line connected and Summer felt her heart skip a beat.


SANTA DOESN'T KNOW YOU LIKE I DO | kit connor [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now