beach lovaa

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"BABE! the dolphins are out!" chris screams from a few feet away.

"REALLY? IM COMING OVER THERE!" you scream back, getting up from the rocks.

chris knew how much you liked watching the dolphins jump up and down from the ocean.

whenever you guys would come to the beach, chris always made sure to see if there was any. there wasn't really much during other times you guys had gone, but today, there was tons of them.

you sat where chris was, and put the pizza box between the both of you. the view was perfect.

the sun had just started to set a few minutes prior. the sky was beautiful.

"can you see them?" chris turns to you, taking a bite from one of the pizzas.

you nod, also taking a bite.

"baby- are you sure you're not cold?" he bit into the pizza to keep it in his mouth while he took his flannel off.

"no really, i'm not cold babe!"

"really? too bad."

he puts the flannel over you, covering you well.

"you're gonna get sick later." you groan. "put it back on, i don't need it."

"you'll need it later though." he continues eating. "gets really cold."

you decide to stop saying anything and keep the flannel over you. you loved it when chris gave you his sweaters or flannels.

"i missed coming to the beach with you." you give him a little kiss.

"me too." he sets his head on your shoulder. "i haven't had some quality time with my y/n in a fat minute."

you guys watched the dolphins go in and out of the water, cuddling against eachother to stay warm.

"hey, i forgot to ask.." chris gets up from leaning on you. "red roses are your favorites right?"

"you forgot already?" you scoff.

"just wanted to confirm." he smirks. "but i need to go to the bathroom real quick, call me if anything happens."

"okay, have fun pissing."

"can wait to piss in the sandy bathrooms." he says sarcastically as he walks away.

- 10 minutes later -

where the hell is chris.. you think to yourself.

it had been super long since he went to the bathrooms. you wouldn't be suprised if he was taking a fat shit.

you continued watching the dolphins in the water, taking a sip from your favorite drink.

the waves rocked back and forth, barely touching your toes as they came your way.

i should call chris to see if everything's okay.. you think to yourself.

you reach for your phone, but then feel a pair of hands wrap themselves around you from behind.

a big bouquet of red roses blocked your view of the ocean.


you turn around, seeing your boyfriend.

"suprise baby."

"where the fuck did you get these flowers?"

"i grew them? obviously?"

"shut up." you laugh, giving him a kiss.

"i hope you love them." he hands them to you with a big smile plastered across his face.


you set them carefully by your side, bringing chris closer to you to give him a million kisses everywhere.

"baby i love love loveee you thank you.. but next time don't make me think you're shitting your guts out in a public bathroom."

chris laughs, shaking his head.

"i promise."


hi cuties im back 😉🙉

swear ill get on my writing grind omfg..

last time i checked there was no sturniolo smut allowed but i think its allowed now LFMAOOA🔥 who knows maybe ill join in... lmk if you want some of that content from me guys 🙏 AYEEE

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