"why are you so sad? it's a party, lighten up y/n."
you rolled your eyes at your friend, and set the down the empty cup in your hand.
"stop apologizing, just come okay? stop isolating yourself!"
"next time don't bring me to party full of people i dislike." you say sternly.
"y/n, it's just a party."
"no, it's somewhere i don't wanna be at. you lied to me!"
"the cops were already at the other party.. you didn't want our outfits to go to waste, did you?"
you stared at your friend for a while, arms crossed and everything.
"SPIN THE BOTTLE OVER AT THE LIVING ROOM!" a guy shouts on the top of a table.
"y/n let it GOOO! let's play!" your friend drags you to the living room.
a group of the worst people you've ever met gathered, including chris.
chris sturniolo.
you hated him.
he broke your heart back in freshman year.
sure, it didn't seem like a big deal, but it left you depressed for what seemed forever.
you guys avoided eachother at all costs, and never dared to glance at one another.
"SIT DOWN GUYS, I GOT THE BOTTLE." the same guy shouts.
everyone sits, and the game begins. it goes by slowly until its time for chris to spin.
you don't look up from the ground.
"who's it gonna be..." everyone talks among themselves.
he spins, and to your surprise..
it lands on you.y/n.
"pass!" you get up.
"the fuck do you mean pass? chris has to kiss you, you can't just pass!" the screamer guy tells you.
"don't care, im not playing."
you get up before your friend can even say anything to you. you walk over to get a drink before you feel a hand grab yours.
"oh my god leave me alone—" you say, thinking your friend is the one grabbing you.
"why can't i kiss you? it's just a game." chris gets close.
his effect on you was always there, you just chose to ignore it. it was hard, but you had always done it.
but right now... it was different.
"just.. let it go chris."
"y/n let me talk to you."
"about what? why would i talk to you?" you scrunch your face up in disgust.
"you know about what."
he put his hand on your lower back, guiding you to a room. secretly, you liked it.
"i don't wanna talk to you chris, really."
"but i do."
he closed the door, and sat down on the bed.
"i didn't mean to hurt you all those years ago y/n. i was immature."
"i don't care chris—"
"y/n i look at you every single day, wishing i never did that to you." he gets up. "you're perfect."
"but you did."
"we were so young y/n! i never even got with anyone after you, did you know that? i ended it because.."
"because what, huh? to go find other girls?"
"i've never felt so in love before y/n, you know how weird that is? i wanted to stop feeling all mushy inside."
"you're a fucking liar chris."
"you don't even look at me anymore! you know how bad it feels?"
"i'm with someone. it's been years, get over it."
no you werent.
you had to lie to see what he did.
"oh, yeah?"
he grabs you by the waist, slowly pushing you to the wall while kissing you.
i couldn't say i wasn't enjoying it.
"mmm.. chris.."
he pulls away for a second, looking at you straight in the eyes.
"i know you're not with anyone you liar."
this makes you feel a little embarrassed, but you can't help but smile at the fact that he knew you were lying.
you pull him back into the kiss, jumping into his arms as it gets heated.
"get over it huh? but you keep kissing me?" he smiles.
you continue to kiss him, making sure he stops speaking.
this man was your weakness.