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Finn dropped a gear in his new VW Golf as they rounded a corner on the road to Matt, his colleague and close friend from work. They had arranged a barbecue for Saturday.

"Bring the missus," Matt said, as they parted ways at the pub on Friday after work.

Finn turned to face Sally and smiled. She smiled back. Her hair blew back around her scalp against the rushing wind from the rolled down window. She wore a floral, knee-length summer dress and rested her bare feet on the dash.

"You know you shouldn't ride with your feet on the dash like that? Matt quizzed her. I read somewhere that if the car crashed and the airbag deployed it would push your knees into your chest and your broken ribs would puncture your lungs causing you to expel all your air and you would die." Finn loved teasing Sally with gory details. He said it was a display of affection.

Sally looked back with a raised eyebrow and a smirk across her lips. "Well good thing you're a safe driver then babe."

Finn let out a playful "hmmpf, whatever," as he gazed forward and knitted his brows in a curious frown. Sally always knew how to trump him with her grace and charm, and he didn't mind at all.

"You were really into last night, weren't you?" she patted both her thighs in an anticipatory "drum roll", then mindlessly parted them and brought them back together and then she slowly swayed them from side to side. "Never mind, so was I. She paused slightly. "So, what got you into such a hot and bothered state, if you would so politely care to indulge me?"

Finn fumbled with the radio's shiny volume knob, turning it up and then down again. He felt a sudden rush of heat in his face. He tried in vain to focus on the song playing; "Friday I'm in love," by The Cure.

"I don't know..."

He could hear the awkwardness in his voice and promptly cleared his throat.

"Uh, I guess I just had a good time last night. We had a nice crowd; the vibe was good, and the booze went down well." He shrugged his shoulders as if he had nothing further to add.

"Hmm, ok," replied Sally. She nodded and smiled and then tapped her fingers against her knees in time to The Cure.

She gazed out the window at the side mirror while Finn kept his focus on the road ahead. He had still been thinking of Charlene; her shoulder length hair, her gracious smile, her playful giggle, and the seductive manner in which she would tilt her head to listen while she caressed her throat with the tip of a finger. Sally couldn't read his mind, could she? Surely, she couldn't guess at the guilty pleasure that clouded his thoughts. Charlene would eventually fade from his mind though anyway. He was sure of that.

And then... it happened!

"So, Finn, what did you think of Charlene last night?" Sally turned her head against the back of her head rest and looked directly at Finn.

He felt her gaze at him with an anxious intent. He put together a quick and weak defence.


"Yeah Charlene. Who works with me? Stayed behind and helped clean up? Remember?" she pronounced each syllable of "remember" with slow deliberation.

"Oh, I think she's great Sal. Yeah, she seems kind and helpful. I think she'll make a great friend for you Babe." Finn smiled to himself. She'd never catch on to his newfound muse.

"You know what Finn? You're right. I think she's crazy hot", Finn quickly turned to face Sally. She blushed and shifted her gaze. Then she asked, "Don't you agree Finn?" she smiled.

Finn was on the spot. How would he answer? If he agreed with her too much eager, the cat would be out the bag. He was beginning to enjoy this little game going on in his head though.

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