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Matt followed Finn in his white Toyota Corolla hatchback to the BnB, blasting hip hop from his sub-woofer, feeling the dubstep in his bucket seat. He could not help feeling an almost overwhelming feeling of goodwill and strong friendship for Finn, to whom, this he would obviously never admit. He tapped the edge of his thumb against the leather clad steering wheel and bobbed his head along to the beat. He felt his phone vibrate in his jeans and struggled briefly to get it out his tight pocket. It was Lucy. He paused the music.

"Hello Baby," her voice was light and playful. "Babe, can you pick up some milk on your way home, what time do you think you'll be home?"

"Umm, Actually," Matt paused momentarily. "I wanted to tell you that Finn is spending the weekend because he split up with Sally last night, that OK with you?"

"Oh my God! Is he OK? Poor guy. Of course, he's welcome. Let me just make up the spare room. Is he doing, OK?"

"Yeah, he's holding up alright. I guess. We’re just getting his stuff from a BnB where he spent the night, last night."

In the back of his mind, he conjured up some unrealistic expectation for the night and the weekend. He had a single mental image emblazoned on his mind. In fact, it had been on his mind for a while. It was that of Finn fucking Lucy, and her telling him about it in detail, as he fucked her later. He felt his dick stiffen and had to straighten his legs and scoot his crotch to a more comfortable position.

"Cool," he responded. "Anything else I should get?"

"Umm! I shopped this morning so we should be OK. Maybe pick up some extra beers for you and Matt for the weekend. Also, I will need a bit of time sorting the spare room. Take Finn out for a beer or something. I'm sure he could use the distraction.

"Yeah sure", he agreed and cancelled the call, turned up the music and pulled up alongside Finn in the BnB parking lot.

"Yoh! Shark-Finn" Matt shouted through the window. "Lucy's just going to get your room ready at home, says we should grab a pint.

"No problem," Finn made his way over to Matt's door. "What the fuck you listening to, sounds like, I don't know, rap about fucking".

Matt winked at Finn. "The man knows his music. Pretty lit eh? I'm just going to get some beer and milk from that shop we passed. See you back in five".

Finn smiled back.

"See you shortly motherfucker." He felt a sense of his former self returning. For the whole ride back to the BnB he thought only of Sally. He wondered where she was. What she was doing. Who might she be with? He was sure she was probably with Charlene. He thought of the two of them together, cuddling, kissing, caressing, going down on each other. Then he thought of his ruined fantasy with Sally and Charlene. Well, that's the end of that idea, he mused. And a strange thing occurred while he went through these mental machinations. He had wanted a threesome for so long. For years. But now, suddenly, it seemed, besides unattainable, as if though it lacked any sense of erotic appeal. For some peculiar reason he didn't seem to care whether it happened or not. He could just as well be contemplating the instructions to an IKEA cabinet or studying the laundry instructions on his work shirt's collar. He wondered whether his whole relationship with Sally was based squarely on the pretext that maybe one day he would end up fulfilling his elusive fantasy. He could not put his finger on it more than he could decipher the events that had taken place in the last twenty-four hours. He extracted his phone from the breast pocket of his Jacket, looked at it, and sighed. No missed calls, no messages, and no updated Facebook status from Sally. His heart sank for a second, but that was soon replaced by a sense of warm relief as he pulled into the parking, alongside Matt.

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