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 They passed the bowls and pots back and forth to one another and began eating in silence. Matt talked briefly about his day at work and Lucy responded with a humorous anecdote about one of her clients.

"Can you believe this guy? Okay, so he calls me, and we get going. He wants to role play a teacher schoolgirl scenario, which is all great, but about ten minutes later his wife catches him and I can hear her chewing his ass. He tells me to hang on and then he gets into this domestic with her. He goes into some room, I think it was the bathroom, to get away from her. She continues to yell at him, calling him a good for nothing cheating bastard, doesn't faze him. After a while, I hear the bathroom door open and her screaming louder, then he tells me he's going to the garage. I hear his car immobiliser deactivate and the car start up. Can you believe it? Then it's his wife again, yelling and screaming. And then silence. Then he tells me he wants to carry on, but I can hear he is on the road. So, I was like, listen bud, one of my conditions for this work is that I do not, under any circumstances, do phone sex with anyone who is driving. It's dangerous and I don't want that kinda shit on my conscience if something goes wrong. Then he starts getting upset because of my terms and conditions. And then he starts hollering at me. Like what the fuck? So, I cancelled the call. He calls back, so I blocked his number. Talk about a buzzkill. So how was your day?"

Matt and Finn laughed. "Well clearly not as exciting as your day babe," said Finn.

Finn went into a bit of detail about his last night with Sally. At first, he was reluctant to discuss this fateful night but as he spoke about it, he began to get over this wave of heartache and loss. Right now, he was with good close friends, who he trusted. The conversation turned to Matt again who teased Finn a bit by relating the story to Lucy about how Finn kept to himself at work and hiding out at the bed and breakfast.

"You should have seen him Luce, he thought he could duck into work unnoticed. I thought he was pissed with me, I honestly did." He slapped Finn on his right shoulder. Lucy stretched out her hand and squeezed his wrist softly.

"Again Finn, we are here for you," she smiled at Finn and tilted her head slightly and then soothed his forearm.

After they had finished their meal Lucy cleared the dishes and refreshed Finn's and Matt's beers, poured herself another glass of wine and produced a deck of cards. Anyone for a game of strip poker, I mean rummy?" she joked.

"Always! Said Matt pretending to rip off his shirt and play twirling his nipples between two fingers and a thumb.

"Sounds good, said Finn.

Finn watched Lucy as she shuffled and dealt the cards, counting softly to herself as she bobbed her head with each card she dealt. He loved how she could slip in and out of roles with natural ease, from a hot sex call operator to a playful and graceful host. Finn's so lucky he surmised to himself. He gathered up his cards and studied his hand.

"We'll start with three of a kind," announced Lucy. Her set of fresh dark red fingernails stood out brilliantly behind the hand of blue cards as she moved them back and forth. Matt found an opening set and rearranged his cards before Finn plucked a card from the upturned deck.

While Finn studied his array of cards, he suddenly felt movement against his shin. He immediately pulled his shin back thinking that Matt had touched it, by mistake, with his foot. But then he felt it again. This time the movement went up to his knee and back down to his foot. He looked at Finn, who was still studying his cards. The movement continued below the table. No! It can't be, he thought. He looked at Lucy and she winked back and shot him a red curved smile. He felt her foot rise to his knee again and navigate its way along the inside of his left thigh. Finn froze briefly. He wasn't sure what was expected of him. He wanted to return Lucy's seductive smile but what if Matt saw? He opened his thighs slightly and he could feel her barefoot riding up to his crotch. He felt her toes slip under his balls and felt them slide upwards and curl against his stiffening cock. He looked down and saw her pretty little toes, in nail varnish to match her manicured fingernails.

"Your go, Finn." Said Matt.

Finn picked up a card and tried to study its place in his hand. He had to readjust his crotch as his cock was hardening in an awkward position. That feels better. He thought. He could feel the ball of Lucy's foot, softly, riding up and down the length of the impression of his erection. He glanced at Finn who was studying his hand of cards and swigging his beer. Finn discarded his card and Lucy lent forwards to pick it up, without breaking the contact of her foot against Finn's crotch. He was at full mast and the sensation of the fabric of the jeans against the head of his cock felt intense and cool from seeping precum. He put his hand down between his crotch to touch Lucy's foot. Her arch was soft, smooth, and warm and she positioned her foot to caress his hand with the pads of her toes. He pushed her toes against his covered cock and arched his hips forwards against her foot.

It was Finn's turn to play. Still as studious as ever, focused on his cards, he placed down a set of threes and discarded a card. The table was quiet.

Finn couldn't take it anymore. He quietly undid his zip and manoeuvred his cock through the zipper. Then he felt Lucy reposition the sole of her foot against the length of his naked fat hard cock and encompassing it with her toes, sliding them up to his tip and back down to the base. He looked across at Lucy, she wore a straight face, only concentrating on her cards. She glanced at Finn. "Why the long face?" She teased.

"Nah, I'm just Umm, who's it to play?" asked Finn.

"Your turn lover boy, she said. Turning to Matt. Too busy concentrating?" She shot him that same seductive smile.

She was right. His face was like stone. Finn had never seen Matt so focused.

Matt plucked a card and returned it to the discarded pile and went back to his stonewall concentration.

Finn felt like he had to also apply some extra concentration beyond what was happening beneath the table. He felt a line of precum start to ooze from the slit of his cock and felt Lucy's big toe glide over it and spread it around the head between her big and second toe. God! How does she manage such dexterous manipulation whilst keeping a straight face? He looked over at Lucy. Her cards blocked her face, but he noticed that she had slipped down in her chair and employed what looked like an uncomfortable position. She laid down a set of cards and added one to Finn's set and winked at him. Finn's attempt at keeping a straight face only twisted his facial expression into a frown of torture. Matt played his turn next. He seemed restless and squirmed in his chair. He picked up a card and immediately discarded it and let out a longer than normal groan when he realised that he could have played a set. When it came to Finn's turn his hand trembled as he tried to lift the uppermost downward facing card. He felt the soft sole of Lucy's foot ride up under his shirt and briefly skim along his stomach before settling the pads of her toes right up against the head of his cock. The series of touch produced such a powerful elation in Finn that he suddenly pushed his hip forwards and slid, slumped in his chair. He closed his eyes briefly and held a resigned hand up to the side of his head. He clenched his ass cheeks to control another involuntary spasmodic jolt. He felt like he was about to cum. He could feel Lucy's toes edging him on, pushing into the underside of his raw throbbing cock. He quickly discarded his card, more to evade the attention that he knew was on him. Though as he did, he realised how much he also loved this attention. He loved the vulnerability of his erotic shame on display. And then he felt the base of his cock swell and a forceful spasm that jerked his shaft upwards while he shot his thick milky orgasm onto Lucy's arch and the receding jolts of ejaculation covered her toes in his warm creamy cum. Lucy didn't stop just yet, she covered the tip of his cock between her toes making Finn jolt back in his chair from the over stimulation.

Lucy played out her hand and discarded her final card in a playful exclamation of victory.

Matt let out a loud, forced moan. Finn looked at Matt whose face had turned bright red beneath rivets of sweat.

He seems quite disappointed, thought Finn.

"Thanks boys now go get yourselves cleaned up and someone bring me a goddamn drink," she smiled and winked at them both

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