Mike's House

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Tre's POV

I'm on my way to Mike's house. I have the right to be scared, right? Who knows what Mike knows I mean, Billie could have told him something. What if he saw it all happen??? Oh no, he might not like me anymore. WHAT IF THEY'RE KICKING ME OUT OF THE BAND??? Well here I go, I see Mikes door right in front of me. I walk through the door trembling and scared of what's to come.

It's 6:50 and the second I walk in, Mike pulls me up to his room.

"Mike, uh hey, what's going on?" I say trying my best to sound normal.

"You have a crush on Billie, don't you?? I can tell. Look man, I'm fine if you like him and/or date him, but I just want to let you know.... He's like my brother and I need him happy and safe. Be careful with him, he may act tough but deep down he's sensitive, and I love him, so if you hurt him I hurt you."

I swallow hard before saying, " Mike I do like him. I do!! It's great to finally get that off my chest! I swear I won't hurt him."

"Tre keep him safe...I'll leave it up to you"

Just then Billie walked in....

Billie's POV

Mike invited Tre and I to spend the night. When I got there, Tre looked at me like he was scared and embarrassed. Mike took me outside to talk.

"Billie, do you have a crush on Tre?"

" I don't know." I say, ashamed of myself.

"Billie you can like boys and girls and still be Christian. You know that right?"

My throat becomes tight and dry as I croak out, "I kissed him, Mike.."

"I kinda guessed...I'll bring Tre outside to talk to you."

I didn't object...I couldn't it was like I couldn't move. Like my mind said know but my heart said yes. I never heard Tre come outside, I was too busy thinking of how this conversation could go. I'll never know how long he was standing behind me, bt he touched my shoulder, making me jump and turn around, to see this perfect man. In that moment I knew.. Tre immediately started saying,

"I know that night, you were vulnerable and needed comforting. You didn't mean it..."

I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and said, " I meant it then and i mean it now." I grow extremely neverous knowing I can't back out now. Holding his cheeks I lean forward, kissing his softly. He pulled away after a few seconds, leaving me stunned, as he said, "BILLIE YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!"

"I never dated her... I couldn't do that to you." He smiled, slightly moving closer, putting his arm around me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Life is about taking risks. We'll neverknow what'll happen if we don't do this y'know?"

Just as he was about to kiss me, someone came outside," Billie!"

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