This Pain

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Tre's POV

The second the concert ends, I ran backstage to talk to Mike or even Billie, but i couldn't do it. Mike had his girlfriend with him and Billie had Audi. I just didn't know what to do, so I ran. I ran out to the front of the venue, where fans were screaming and trying to grab me. Security was running to catch up to me but I just kept running.

I ran 3 miles to the hotel and the second I got into the room I broke down. Did I loose Billie forever? How would I ever know? Can I even trust him now??? All I knew is it felt like the world was crashing down on me. Like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stand it. Goodnight I thought, as I took some sleeping pills so I didn't have to be awake.

Billie's POV

After the concert, Audi asks to talk for a few minutes. That's when I see Tre, he looks at me and Audi and goes running. I quickly write my number down for Audi and say I have to go. I try to follow Tre but he's running really fast. Just as I catch up to him he slips past the crowd who bombards me. He continues on running, as the crowd surrounds me.

I feel a hand grab me and pull me out of the crowd. It was security, pulling me backstage to where Audi was. She didn't talk she pulled me behind the venue to a car. She explained that she had security get me a car to find Tre. But where is he?

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