The Meeting

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Billie's POV

        Today is the big day! Mike and I will meet the person who might be our new drummer. He told us earlier that his name is Tre Cool. When I first heard his name, I thought he was just another wannabe with a cool name. Mike and I HAVE to have a great drummer, with all the cool stuff we have planned we need someone better than.....basic. Especially since we already released our first album AND have a record deal.

        On our way to the diner where we were going to meet him, we talking about how he might look, play, and even talk. When we got there a boy around our age came up to us, and he looked cute....dare I say hot. But I knew I couldn't talk, much less think, like that. I snapped out of my thoughts when the boy said,"Are you Billie and Mike? It's nice to meet you, I'm Tre." Mike and I looked at eachother...we knew right away he'd be perfect for Green Day. He had his hair spiked up, and was wearing a Ramones shirt with shorts.

"Would you like to practice with us today?"

He stared right at me and I....I felt something. It was strange but good at the same time.

"Yeah sure.

Tre's POV

        As we walked to Mike's house, I watched Billie. He didn't notice though, because I walked behind them allowing them to talk. Billie, for some reason caught my eye. He is a handsome boy, around my age, with black bushy hair. He was wearing a black shirt with tan cargo shorts with holes in them. He looks really hot. I can't say that though. I'm going crazy! I'm straight. I've always loved girls. When we got there, they told me the beats their last drummer played. I nodded but the beats were too simple and boring. So as they play 2000 Light Years Away, I put my own beat to it. They stopped halfway through and looked at me. Oh no!!!!! Was it that bad??? Then Billie spoke up,"How did you learn to play like that!?!"

"I was....uh....self taught"

Mike replied quickly,"That was really good."

It was seven, so Billie had to go home, but they both invited me back. I couldn't resist saying yes. I needed to see Billie again.

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