Finding The Truth

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Billie's POV"Billie!" I turned, wide eyed,to see Mike.

"Mike, you scared us"

"Yeah, yeah. Can  I talk to you both?"I turned to see Tre, who was already nodding.

"Yeah, sure Mike." I say with a sigh.

"Look, I'm happy for you two. I don't know if you two are dating or not but either way, my family, as well as Billie's, is homophobic. So please just be careful."


"Tre, if anyone sees you two like that I won't be allowed to see you two again."


"Mike I think I'm gonna take Tre home, y'know?

"Okay, bye."

When we walked out of Mike's house Tre stopped me to ask, "Hey, uh Billie, why are we leaving?"

"I want to be alone with you."

He looked at me in the most adorable and slightly puzzled face, "What why?"

"Just to talk, don't worry."

We walked quietly back to my house, holding hands. When we got there, we climbed through my bedroom window and it was 11:11 pm. I turned and kissedthis perfect boy net to me, the one I've been wishing for for six months. I finally got my wish, you could say. He pushed me up against the wall, kissing me. I had to pull away, just to say, "I think I love you, Tre....."

Tre's POV

"I think I love you Tre..." WHAT?!?! Did I just hear those words come off of Billie's precious lips???? He can't love me noooono no no.

"Billie, we've only known each other for 6 months?!?"

"When you know, y'know."

I mean I know how I feel but, like, I'm just not ready to be in love...well at least to admit it.

"Tre, are you okay?? You look so pale..."

"I can't say it...I just can't", I say as I feel the tears go rolling down my cheeks.

He held me close to his chest, " I love you and I know you love me. Say it when your ready. I can wait forever for you." 

I looked into his beautiful green eyes....and I knew. He'd mess me up both good and bad, but that he'd be staying to pick me up when I fall. I knew he'd be there through thick and thin. I'd always be his and he'd always be mine. 

"Billie, will you be my boyfriend?" I said with my hope and wonder building up.

He smiled that killer smile saying, "Always", kissing me firmly. I can't describe it better than right then my heart exploded with happiness. The pain of it was the best thing I've ever felt.

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