Waking up in an unknown place

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Lumine point of view

I shot my eyes wide open, breathing heavily. Where am I? What am I doing here? Who am I? I tried to calm down but couldn't. The door swung open, revealing a nurse who was carrying a tray of something. She stared at me and the tray fell from her grasp, I flinched from the loud noise coming from the fallen tray.

"Oh my archons.... DOCTOR SHE'S AWAKE!" The nurse gasp.

She went up to me but I fought her back, not wanting to be touched by a stranger, nurse or not. Suddenly a horde nurses and doctors barged in the room, restraining me and holding me down. I tried to fight back but a nurse syringed me with something and I immediately blacked out.


How long has it been?

A week?

A month?

A year?

I don't know and I don't intend to know.

After the whole nurses and doctors fiasco, I was able to come to my senses.

A doctor told me that I had amnesia and that I won't remember anything at all. Funny how I don't even remember my own name let alone who I am. The reason behind my amnesia was never explained, guess the doctor doesn't know.

I was sitting on the hospital bed, looking out the window. The birds were chirping and the wind carried the breeze. It was a normal day for everyone, except for me, well for none hospitalized me would say a normal day, but right now? It's a day which I don't know who I am anymore.

Suddenly the door flung open, revealing a blonde haired boy, someone who looked to be around the same age as me? Actually how old even am I? Not important right now.

"Lumine!" The boy looked at me with tears falling down cheeks.

He ran to me and hugged me close to his chest, murmuring my name over and over again. His bone crushing hug would've killed me already if it wasn't for someone interrupting this moment.

"Aether, you'll break your sister's spine if you keep hugging her like that." A soft voice spoke from the door.

Aether finally released his tight hug. He wipes away his tears with his sleeves and backs away for a few feet. "Sorry, sorry, it's just, it's been four months since you've been in a coma, and I just, I missed you so much...." He spoke.

Wait, four months? In a coma? I mean it's pretty reasonable for me to be in a coma considering I'm in a hospital and I woke up in a hospital but the doctor didn't say I was in a coma all he said was I have amnesia and left, pretty rude you tell me. That doctor is probably dumb or forgetful and didn't bother to tell me that information. But oh well, at least now I know why I'm in this hospital.

"Uhm, I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked. With everything that's been going on in my mind, I finally asked the question I have been harbouring for ever since he hugged me. Who is he and what is he to me?

"Oh, I almost forgot, you have amnesia now." Aether facepalm, "I'm Aether, your twin brother. Do you remember your name?" He said.

"Uhm, maybe? The doctor says I'm Lumine? Is that correct?" I said, tilting my head to the side. Aether, my twin brother, squealed in delight but composed himself with a cough.

"It is. Do you remember anything other than your name?" He said.

"No, not that I know of, I don't even know who I am anymore or who I was before." I said, my eyes were fixed to the ground.

Aether looked sad but he jumped on the bed beside me and took my hand in his, making me look into his darker shades of yellow.

"No matter! I promise you Lumine, I will make you remember everything! Or we can start a new, new Lumine, new Aether!"

I look at him with a hopeful smile. With him by my side, surely nothing could go wrong right?

"Ehem, you do know I'm still here, right? Or did you forget?" The voice who interrupted Aether's spine crushing hug spoke. I looked at the door and saw a fluffy platinum blonde hair boy with bright teal eyes.

"Ah, Albedo! Sorry I forgot you were also coming with me to see Lumine, oh right, Lumine this is Albedo, well he already knows who you are anyways, so I won't introduce him to you." Aether said.

Albedo only smiles. But that smile seems to be fake. Aether kept on rambling about something and I was kinda paying attention kinda not, it's hard to pay attention to him when a certain platinum blonde boy won't stop glaring daggers at you. If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.

I looked at Aether and realized that, he didn't seem to have a clue about Albedo's glares. Maybe it was my imagination? I looked at Albedo again, and was met with glares. Yeah, no I don't think it's in my imagination.

What did my past self do to make this dude so unhappy to the fact that he won't stop glaring at me.

I decided to keep it to myself, I don't want to cause trouble for myself.


This is a Lumine bi harem meaning there are both male and female love interests. The love interests depend on my likeable.

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