Chapter Two

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Cheer & Siblings

"Daniella Davis, I swear to god if you talk about my mistake of an ex that I ONLY dated because of my 'straight' phase again I'll scope your intestines out with a spoon and deep fry them before making you choke them down" I snarl as I stretch to my left during cheer practice that afternoon.

It's the day after Halloween and my best friend/step-cousin Ella and I were at cheer practice together doing stretches.

"Oh thank you Amanda for that visual representation" Ella wrinkles her nose in disgust, her long dark hair falling down her shoulder as she stretches to the right, "if you hate him so much why'd you even date him?" Ella questions.

"Because" I begin, now standing and starting to reach to my toes, "boys are just placeholders".

Ella gives me a questioning look, realizing she doesn't get my reference (even though it was probably bad), I gasp, "are you kidding me right now?!"

I stand up straight, "you've never seen Jennifer's body and you're lgbtq?!" I nearly yell but it was whatever, at cheer practice everyone minds their business until our cheer captain Amy Miller is done making out with football player Tyler whatever his name is- I don't keep up with boys I don't like.

"Shh shut the fuck up" Ella whispers, blushing, "I'm not out yet- remember dingus?"

"Yeah, right" I whisper, "sorry" doing a backbend, I say, "but still- now you have to watch Jennifer's body with me one day".

"Oh no!" Ella pouts, "please don't add that to the long lost of shit we have to watch!"

I smile triumphantly, "you walked into that one on your own"

"I hate you" Ella rolls her brown eyes but smiles at me anyways.

"Love you too, El".

. . .

"Teddy oh Teddy, where the fuck are you when we need you!" Ella says in a sang-song voice. It's after cheer practice and the two of us are sitting on the light colored sidewalk outside the school's gym, waiting for my older brother Teddy to come pick us up.

My car's in the shop until Wednesday so I have to rely on Teddy to come get Ella and me after cheer for another two days.

Ella has a car, but she's grounded right now so she's not allowed to drive it.

"He's probably just here and looking for us" I say, trying to defend my brother.

I hate whenever somebody makes it seem like Teddy's a bad person- because truth is, he's one of the most amazing males ever.

Teddy's not like those dumb college frat boys who insult girls and say misogynistic shit all the time, instead- he's nice and cares about his grades- and the feelings of girls.

"Sure" Ella says, her tone laced with sarcasm as she even adds in a roll of her eyes, "hey, if he doesn't come in the next ten minutes- can I pleaseee call Madison".

"Any excuse to call Maddy" I tease her with a wiggle of my brows.

Ella's liked Madison since the beginning of Junior year. As much as I love to matchmake people- see the romance feel their hearts as they realize the person they like likes them too, Ella made me promise not to try anything with her and Madison and so I haven't.

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