Chapter Nine

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Horrible dates
. . .
Teddy and Hannah's date:

The car ride to where ever Teddy's taking us for our apparent "date" is awkward.

I sit there, staring out the window and wishing I could disappear right then and there.

What if Teddy's not a complete jerk? I mean, I COULD at least give him a chance...

I mean- people do change..

Maybe not in a few days but that could've just been a bad day.

"Why do all women wear dresses on dates- and short ones too like how am I supposed to control myself?" Teddy scoffed, taking a turn- as he did- he placed his hand on my thigh.

I could feel myself becoming more and more uncomfortable each millisecond his hand sat there.

"Teddy can you please take your hand away?" I asked.

I mean serious- the least he can do is not assault me in his little sister's dress.

He rolled his eyes, muttering "why would you wear that if you didn't want attention?"

I gulped, looking out the window and choosing to ignore his comment.

Okay, maybe some people don't change after all..

Teddy and I didn't talk into we pulled into an apartment complex- Maddy's apartment complex to be more precise.

Wait- my heart began to pound- this is it- I'm gonna get raped! I was thinking about placing my keys between my fingers (something I'd seen on Tiktok) and stabbing him in the eyes before running- I mean I'm literally near Maddy's apartment!

Teddy stopped the car.

I've never been on a date before- in eighth grade I had this thing going on with Cami (the girl in Maddy, Liv, and I's trio) but then she moved and I never heard from her again hut we never dated! Either way- are first dates supposed to be in apartments? And if he's gonna rape me... doesn't that take place in crappy motels and not nice apartment complexes?

I sucked in a breath, fidgeting with my keys as he turned the car off, "come on" he smiled in a rather rude tone- like he didn't even want to be here.

I placed my keys between my hands and followed behind him- worse case scenario, someone will grab me as soon as I get out the car.

I took that risk anyways and followed behind him.

We walked three flights of stairs and then- went in the apartment above Maddy's?! Oh my gosh- he's the dumb, nosy fuck living above her? At school, Maddy always complains that the people above her are loud as fuck.

If I made it out of this date alive, I can't wait to tell her!

I gulped- Teddy unlocked the apartment's door and I heard a bunch of guys screaming and laughing loudly- I stepped inside the apartment- which was the exact same as the Parkers' apartment- and saw a complete mess. The apartment smelled like straight weed and beer cans, paper plates, and moldy food were on it.

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