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So idk why but Celeste does this thing where she takes hits for people I don't have an explanation for why she does it, she just does.

Gilthunder walks over to where Meliodas is, lost in thought. "Over here!" The blonde calls, causing Gilthunder to look up, seeing him standing on a building with his feet lodged in. "Little Gil. You sure you're not gonna regret going against me like this?" Meliodas asks. "Your eyes can see through wickedness. Your mouth utters only truth. Your heart is filled with justice. Your sword shall crush evil. From the first day I learned the 'Knights Code,' I haven't forgotten a word. But the Seven Deadly Sins turned their backs on that code and betrayed the country. And so I'll say this once more to you. I am now more powerful than any of the Seven Deadly Sins." Gilthunder tells him. "All right, then. Why don't we finish this?" Meliodas asks, jumping off the building and falling straight at Gilthunder. Gilthunder dodges him and elbows him in the face, he then appears beside Meliodas and tries slashing him, but the blonde blocks it. 

They continue fighting with Meliodas blocking all Gilthunder's attacks until Hendrickson joins in attempting to hit Meliodas, but he dodges. "So, you managed to dodge that?" Hendrickson asks. Meanwhile, Celeste and Arthur lay on the ground injured from the fight. "We tried our best to best to buy some more time for you, but I'm a disgrace." Arthur says. "Don't sweat it! Just rest up!" Meliodas tells him. "Let's go!" Hendrickson says, appearing behind Meliodas, trying to hit him, but Celeste blocks the attack. "I'm not done yet." The goddess says, glaring at the Grand Master. Hendrickson continues swinging his sword at Celeste, who blocks it, backing up into Meliodas. Gilthunder appears behind them, punching Meliodas in the face, knocking him off the building. "Meliodas!" Celeste calls, getting distracted for a second, giving Hendrickson the opportunity to kick her off, causing her to land beside Meliodas.

 Meliodas and Celeste stood prepared to fight when something caught the girl's attention. She sees the mage from earlier throwing an attack at Meliodas, so she puts up a shield to block it. Hendrickson appears behind them, kicking Celeste out of the way and throwing Meliodas at Gilthunder. "It's over." Gilthunder says. "Yeah, what?" Meliodas asks, spinning around fast, hitting Gilthunder. "Lightning King Iron Hammer!" Gilthunder shouts, throwing an attack at Meliodas. "Full Counter!" Meliodas goes to counter the attack. "Bend Room." The mage uses magic to change the lightning's direction.

Celeste jumps in front of Meliodas, getting hit by the lightning. "I'm fine." Celeste tells the blonde, stumbling a bit. Meliodas nods "Stand down for now." He advises and continues attacking Gilthunder, landing a few hits on him. Gilthunder raises his sword above his head, bringing it down on Meliodas, who blocks it with his sword's sheathe, and Gilthunder slices off the top part. Hendrickson charges at Meliodas, knocking him into a building, Gilthunder strikes him with lightning, and the mage amplifies it with her magic, causing an explosion. "He's not turning into a Demon or even fighting back!" The mage points out. "He must have something up his sleeve. But we're gonna stop him first. The dust clears, and Meliodas is seen standing ready to fight. "Gilthunder! Please stop this!" Margaret shouts from on top of the castle. "One Thousand Divine Cuts!" Meliodas says, and his sword burns with Hellblaze. "Lightning King Sword!" Gilthunder charges up with lightning. "All right! Enchanted Hellblaze!" Hendrickson's sword also burns with Hellblaze.

 "Destroy Four Elements!" Four glowing balls turn into the different elements and they form a giant ball in front of the mage, and she throws it at Meliodas. Meliodas jumps in the air, about to slice the attack, when he turns to look back at Margaret, who falls off the building. "Margaret!" Celeste shouts, seeing the princess. Meliodas throws Hellblaze at Margaret, destroying the beast the was next to her. Meliodas smiles but is then hit by the attack. Celeste looks between Meliodas and Margaret, trying to decide where to go when she sees Arthur's mage going for the princess, so she runs over to Meliodas, who is about to get hit by Hendrickson. "Prepare to die!" Hendrickson says, thrusting his sword at Meliodas.

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