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After lying on the ground for a while, Celeste finally decides to help Meliodas find Elizabeth, so she follows the direction he goes, hoping to find him. She walks for a while before stopping upon hearing an explosion and sensing both Meliodas and Ban's presence. She decides it'd be best if she ran so that she'd get there faster, and when she does, she finds Hawk watching Meliodas and Ban fight. "Ban, you're such an idiot! If you keep this up, our friendship's over, you got it?" Hawk shouts. "What? It's not like the two of us were ever friends, anyway. If you don't shut your mouth, I'll kill you too, you swine." Ban warns Hawk, causing the pig to tear up. "What's happening? Ban, why would you say that?" Celeste asks. "Stay out of this." Ban tells the Goddess. "Oh yeah? Well, if I were playing for keeps, then you wouldn't live to tell the tale, buddy!" Hawk claims.

 "In that case, kill me already! I'm begging you!" Ban growls, gripping his nunchucks so tight his hands begin bleeding. "That Goddess told me everything. You were buddies with the Demons that murdered Elaine, Captain. But if I take your life, she'll come back and be with me again!" Ban tells Meliodas. "Goddess?" Celeste mumbles. "Ban--" "Goddammit woman, stay out of this!" Ban yells, refusing to meet Celeste's gaze, shocking the Goddess. Meliodas deactivates his Demon magic, staring up at Ban. "I see. Fine, then. Kill me, Ban." Meliodas tells him, causing Ban to smirk. "Captain." He whispers. "Now, come on. You're not screwing with me, are you?" Ban asks skeptical. "Not about this. I'm dead serious. So, hurry up and kill me. 'Cause then your girlfriend will come back to life, won't she? Hey, look, if I were in your shoes, that's what I'd do." Meliodas tells him. "I appreciate this, Captain. I'll never forget you as long as I live. This is for you, Elaine." Ban says, raising his nunchucks, ready to strike Meliodas.

 Just as he is about to, Meliodas headbutts him, sending him flying back. "Hawk, what happened?" Celeste asks the pig. "Some horn who claims to be a Goddess told Ban that if he kills Meliodas, she'd bring his girlfriend back." Hawk explains, and Celeste sighs, facepalms, and shakes her head. "Why would you fight back after an exchange like that? Especially after telling me to take you out!" Ban asks. "I never said I'd just roll over and let you kill me." Meliodas clarifies. "If the tables were turned wouldn't you have done the same thing?" Meliodas asks. "Say what?" Ban asks. "Our friend... Elizabeth, she'd sacrifice herself without giving it a second thought." Meliodas explains, shocking Hawk. "Knowing that, how can I abandon her?" Meliodas asks. "I'm not gonna let myself get killed in a place like this!" "Ha! So that's how it is." Ban chuckles. "Then have it your way, but I don't think I'm gonna play nice and call it quits!" Ban tells him. "Ban!" Celeste calls, jumping in front of Meliodas. 

"I told you to stay out of this." Ban tells her. "I'm a Goddess. A high-ranking one at that, and believe me when I say we don't have the power to resurrect the dead. Don't believe what that horn bitch told you 'cause she's just scared that once she gets her physical body back, Meliodas would still be there and end her." She explains. "Say what now?" Ban asks, confused. "If I had the power to resurrect the dead, I would've brought Elaine back a long time ago, but I don't. The druids can do something like that, but I don't trust that technique, so please, instead of seeking help from a horn, come to me next time." Celeste tells him. "After Elaine passed on, I met the Captain and the other, and I met you again, Mother, and slowly, it eased the pain. Year in and year out, it was one adventure after another. But eventually, I couldn't escape the truth. No matter what, I'm really on my own. And I'm never gonna see her again, whether in this world or the next. Without her, it's like I'm living in hell. Understand?" Ban asks. 

 "Sorta." Celeste replies. "All right then. But for now, as the Seven Deadly Sins' Fox Sin, you need to do your duty! Captain's orders." Meliodas instructs with a firm expression. "Let's wait 'till this is all over, then we can settle things." He adds. "When that time comes..." Ban trails off. "Yeah. No matter what, you're still my friend, Ban." Meliodas tells him, crossing his arms behind his head. "Yeah, Roger that." Ban agrees. Meliodas stumbles and kneels on one knee. "You okay?" Celeste asks, crouching beside him, and Hawk runs over. "Listen, Hawk... I need you to take me to where Elizabeth is right away." Meliodas informs. "Okay, but you're in really bad shape." Hawk points out. "I'll come with." Celeste tells him. Meliodas nods and throws himself on Hawk, Celeste gets behind him and lays him on her chest, healing him. "All right, time to go." Celeste tells Hawk. "Master. Mother." Ban calls before they can leave.

"Look after him." Ban says with his back turned to them. "You don't have to tell me." Hawk replies, running in the direction Elizabeth went in. "I'm his friend so I'm gonna make sure he stays safe!" Hawk shouts back, and Celeste just stays silent, focusing on healing the blonde asleep on her. Hawk runs as fast as he can with two people on his back to Hendrickson's research house, where explosions can be heard. "Hang on a little longer, Elizabeth! Three heroes are on their way to save you! Here we come!" Hawk shouts. Celeste lays Meliodas head on her shoulder and holds him closer, pressing her cheek against his. "I hate you for making me like her." She whispers and Meliodas chuckles. "Yeah, yeah. I wasn't the one who told you to raise her." Meliodas replies. "You brought her to Liones." Celeste mumbles. "Believe what you want to believe." Meliodas mumbles, going back to sleep. 


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