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"Big Sister! Ellie! Mother! These guys just told me that they're setting off on a journey!" Veronica tells the three women. Gilthunder, Howzer, and Griamore were dressed in armor and blue cloaks. "Yes, I know." Margaret replies. "No way!" Veronica looks back at her older sister. "Princess Veronica, I know I should've told you first... but I couldn't bring myself to." Griamore tells her. Veronica turns back to him and Gilthunder chuckles softly while Howzer grins at his friend, who is blushing. "Dear Father, I will avenge you. I'll do it no matter what it takes! And I swear I will return to your side, Princess Veronica!" Griamore says. "Okay, fine, then. Gilthunder! Howzer!" Veronica calls to the other two. "I'm counting on you to babysit Griamore!" She tells them, shocking the boy. Howzer scoffs and laughs. "Of course, my lady." Gilthunder agrees. He goes over to his lover and puts his hands on her shoulders. "It's time to go. I'll see you soon." He tells her. "I'll be waiting." Margaret replies.

Veronica bids goodbye to Griamore and Howzer stands off to the side growling and spitting. "All right you three, come here." Celeste tells them. The knights walk over to her. Celeste holds her hands and closes her eyes. "Ethereal Blessing." She mumbles and light orbs appear around them, the orbs hit the boys and they glow temporarily. "Whoa! What was that? I feel stronger!" Howzer comments checking out himself. "It'll protect you during your battles, but be warned you'll be immune to three hits until the spell wears off." Celeste explains. "Understood, thanks, Mother." Gilthunder tells her. "Anytime. Good luck on your journey and watch out for each other." Celeste turns to Griamore. "If I find a way, I will also avenge your father." She tells him. "Thank you, mother." Griamore nods. The boys climb onto their horses and ride away from the kingdom's gates. "Please be careful!" Elizabeth shouts while Veronica waves. "Ellie, Mother, are things settled for you, too?" Veronica asks them. "Huh?" Elizabeth looks at her sister confused.


Elizabeth and Celeste made their way to the Boar Hat after the princess changed into the maid uniform. "Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth calls, seeing the blonde cleaning a mug while humming. "Hey there, you two!" Meliodas greets them. "Are you really going on another journey?" Elizabeth asks. Celeste walks over to the bar and leans on it. "Sure am." Meliodas replies. "Right. Then I'll start getting my things so I can join you!" Elizabeth says happily. Celeste sighs looking down. "There's no need for that." She tells the princess. "But Lady Celeste! Sir Meliodas said that once the incident was over, we'd set up shop again." Elizabeth tells her, running to the bar. "Doesn't sound like something I'd say." Meliodas dismisses her. "What happened? You two aren't acting like yourselves at all." Elizabeth says and hums. Meliodas stops what he is doing and in an instant, he is behind Celeste throwing her skirt up causing the woman to shriek.

"If I was acting strange, would I do this?" Meliodas asks, rubbing Celeste's thighs. "I'm the same me as always." He says. "Cut it out!" Hawk shouts, charging at Meliodas. "Celeste! I don't know why you're allowing him to do this to you but it's not gonna happen while I'm here!" Hawk shouts, nailing Meliodas into a barrel. "Yes, that's my bad." Celeste agrees, holding her skirt down, blushing. "Elizabeth, how about you go have fun with Diane? We need to buy supplies for the tavern." Celeste suggests to the princess. "Sure. I understand." She replies, sadly. Celeste sighs watching Hawk leave as well.


"What's up, Gowther!" Meliodas greets his fellow Sin as he and Celeste go to visit Merlin. "Looks like we're leaving either tomorrow or the day after. So be ready to go. Okay?" He informs Gowther. "Is that an order? Or..." Gowther asks. "Well, no, I wouldn't exactly call it that..." "I'll have to refuse." Gowther cuts Meliodas off and walks over. "Weird." Celeste mumbles, watching him. She and Meliodas watch the interaction between Gowther and Guila. "Now that's an unusual pairing." Meliodas comments. "Whoa, these are tasty!" Hawk says. They both look down to find him eating something. "And what exactly is tasty?" Celeste asks, scaring the pig. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Hawk replies. Celeste sighs and follows Meliodas into Merlin's house where they find the mage conducting an experiment. "Hey. What's up?" Meliodas greets her.

"Somehow, I had a feeling you two would be stopping by soon." Merlin comments. "Look, Merlin. Ten years ago, the day we were chased out of the kingdom, you stole something from me, and now, I'd like it back." Meliodas tells her. Merlin stops her experiment and turns to the duo. "I assume this has something to do with that tremor the other day?" She asks. "It was the sign of the Demon race's seal being broken." Celeste shares. "Which means Hendrickson's still alive somehow then." Merlin says. "Yeah. But that isn't what I'm worried about. The real problem is, the ones who were revived are the absolute worst!" Meliodas tells her. "The Ten Commandments!" Celeste shares. This causes Merlin's powers to go wild, multiple objects fly around the place and harsh winds blow inside the hut. "Sorry. I was stimulated in spite of myself." Merlin covers her face. "Who would've guessed the King's handpicked elite troops would..." Merlin trails off and everything stops.

"Now then, Captain, let's get to the issue at hand..." Merlin's cut off by squeaking. Meliodas smacks Hawk trying to get the pig to act right. "Get it together Hawk. And stop eating whatever you find lying on the ground!" He tells the pig. "So what was it he ate?" Merlin asks. "Something in a bottle someone tossed outside." Celeste replies. "Must have been the magic stabilizers I gave Gowther." Merlin says and looks down in thought. "And if that's the case, then this doesn't bode well, Captain."

I got three chapters written for this, I really love this season

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I got three chapters written for this, I really love this season.

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