❤️valentines day🍫

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The dimly lit hideout of the League of Villains buzzed with an uncharacteristic energy, the air tinged with an odd mixture of anticipation and mischief. Valentine's Day had descended upon them, and even the League, known for chaos and villainy, couldn't escape the allure of a day associated with love and romance.

Shigaraki, eyeing the makeshift heart-shaped decorations with a cynical gaze, muttered, "Valentine's Day? Seriously, Toga?"

Dabi, leaning against a wall with a smirking expression, chuckled. "Guess even villains get their share of cheesy holidays. Who knew we'd be celebrating love and destruction together?"

As the League members exchanged peculiar and often menacing gifts, Shigaraki and Dabi navigated through the festivities with an unspoken understanding. Toga, with a grin that hinted at mischief, handed them heart-shaped masks, the kind usually reserved for masquerade balls.

Shigaraki, reluctantly donning the mask adorned with a distorted smile, muttered, "Masks on masks. Just what I needed."

Dabi, his eyes hidden behind a mask featuring a flame motif, smirked. "At least this one has style. Adds a certain villainous flair."

Amid the unconventional celebration, Shigaraki and Dabi found themselves in a quieter corner, away from the prying eyes of their curious comrades. The dim glow of red string lights cast an unusual ambiance, and the scent of candles filled the air.

Dabi, raising an eyebrow beneath the flame-themed mask, spoke with a mockingly romantic tone. "Happy Valentine's Day, Shigaraki. Never thought I'd be saying that to a guy in a hand mask."

Shigaraki scoffed, the mask amplifying the sound. "Yeah, real romantic. Who needs hearts when you can have hands?"

As the night unfolded, the League engaged in villainous games and shared sinister laughter, but in that hidden corner, Shigaraki and Dabi found a peculiar intimacy amidst the chaos.

Dabi, leaning in closer, asked with a hint of mischief, "So, Shigaraki, got any secret admirers among the League members?"

Shigaraki rolled his eyes beneath the distorted mask. "As if. Love and admiration are for the weak. I'm just here for the chaos and free snacks."

Dabi chuckled, the flame-themed mask adding an enigmatic allure to his demeanor. "Free snacks, huh? You really know how to romance a guy."

Their conversation, typically steeped in villainous banter, took on a different tone beneath the masks and the red glow of Valentine's Day. The makeshift celebration provided an unusual backdrop for a conversation that ventured into the realms of personal territories.

Shigaraki, studying Dabi, remarked, "You ever think about... more than just chaos, Dabi? Like what comes after the destruction?"

Dabi, his eyes meeting Shigaraki's through the flames of his mask, replied, "More than chaos? Not really my style. But hey, maybe there's something in it. Something we haven't explored."

The night pressed on, and as the League members danced and reveled, Shigaraki and Dabi remained in their secluded corner, sharing a quiet moment amid the tumult of the unconventional Valentine's Day celebration.

Dabi, lifting his mask for a moment, spoke with an uncharacteristic softness. "This... it's different. Not what I expected."

Shigaraki, his hand absentmindedly tracing the cracks on his mask, nodded. "Different doesn't mean bad. Maybe villains can find something in the chaos that isn't just destruction."

Their masks, both literal and metaphorical, lingered between them—an acknowledgment of the layers they concealed and the shared connection that defied the expectations of their villainous lives.

As the night drew to a close, Shigaraki and Dabi left the makeshift Valentine's Day celebration, the red string lights casting long shadows behind them. The echoes of the night, filled with laughter and masked revelry, lingered in the dimly lit hideout—a reminder that even villains, hidden behind their masks, could find moments of connection and intimacy amid the chaos they so fervently embraced.

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