Espresso Martini

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Confused and nursing a throbbing headache, Courtney wakes up in Duncan's apartment. A note from him reassures her, it states.

'Hope you slept well princess. There is Advil in the cupboard and orange juice in the fridge. - D'

Despite how nauseous she felt, she managed to shower and upon contemplation on whether she should just wear his clothes, she ended up still wearing last night's clothes. Realizing she's late for work, she calls in sick, and her understanding boss grants her the day off. After taking Advil and orange juice, Courtney leaves a thank-you note and rushes to Heather and Hers apartment.

On her way back, the memory of everything she said last night, and her face reflects horror and embarrassment. Arriving, she rings the doorbell, and Heather, surprised to see her, pulls her into a hug. Courtney spills the details, and Heather advises her to pull herself together.

While at home, Courtney receives a text from Duncan asking her to meet him at a cafe near by the bar. After getting ready, she heads there. The encounter with Duncan is awkward until the waitress arrives at their table breaking the silence by asking what they would like to drink.

Courtney responded, "A cappuccino, please."

"I'll have a double espresso," Duncan said, maintaining eye contact with Courtney.

Their drinks arrived shortly, and they continued to sit in silence.

"I'm sorry about last night," Courtney said softly as she reached for her drink.

"You don't need to say sorry, Princess-"

"Yes, I do. Yesterday was a complete mess; you shouldn't have seen me like that," Courtney interrupted.

Duncan smirked. "Princess, it wasn't even that bad. But okay, how about we don't bring up what happened yesterday."

Courtney nodded in agreement, satisfied with his answer.

"Anyways, how are you feeling?"

"Terrible. My headache has gone down, but I still feel so drained," Courtney sighed. "I even skipped work today—well, not skipped, I called in sick-"

"Wow, did her royal highness, obeying orders, skip one day of work?" Duncan exclaimed dramatically. "Shut up, you ogre. I have a persistent track record, okay? So let me be," Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Tell you what, how about we go grab a movie and something to eat tonight after my shift?" Duncan looked up at her with hopeful eyes. "My treat."

Courtney pondered for a bit before saying, "Sure."

"Alrighty, come to the bar around 9, and from there, I'll drive us to the movies, and we can either get a bite to eat before or after, whatever you prefer."

Courtney nodded in agreement. They continued to chat for a bit before Duncan realized the time.

"Shit, I need to go." Duncan put some money down for the bill.

They both walked outside, said their goodbyes before going their separate ways. Both lost in each other's eyes, they leaned in and kissed. It wasn't long, but it felt so natural to them both.

"I'll see you later tonight, Princess," Duncan grinned.

"See you later, ogre, and good luck with work." They both stepped into their cars and drove off.

Hey I'm back kind of, or at least trying. Here is a small little chapter. I will hopefully be able to finish off the next two chapter today and post them between tonight and tmrw.  Sorry for the long hiatus. 

- A xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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