Mojito II

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Her phone went off indicating she received a message. Curiously she stared down at her phone to see she has two texts. One from Heather and the other from an unknown number. First of all Courtney went straight to Heather's text.


Court I need to tell you something.

What is it Heather? Whats wrong?

Incoming Call


Decline                 Accept

"Hello?" Courtney spoke

"Court.....I hate to interrupt your date but I really needed to tell you something" Heather's voice was raspy and it sounded like she had been crying.

"No guy could ever get in the way of our friendship you know that right?" Courtney asked concerned. Heather was strong and cold she took nobody's shit and if you got on her bad side just know you'll never get out of it alive.

"Well I haven't exactly been telling you and Bridge there is this guy that I've been seeing but at first it was just hook ups nothing serious..u-u-unt-t-ll.." She began wailing

Courtney's heart sank, she felt like a horrible not only had she gone after her friends guy well she wasn't actually sure where they stood, but what made her heart sink was the fact that her best friend for almost all her life was going through such an experience and she didn't know anything about it.

".... yesterday w-w-we had a conversation about our relationship and he asked me about if we could be more than just hooking up." Heather sniffled "You know how I am about stuff like this right. And I said no and he got mad and he said somethings that he shouldn't have and I said somethings I shouldn't have. And now I'm here crying my eyes out and I don't even know where he is."

"Heather calm down don't waste your tears he doesn't know what he's missing okay? You are a intelligent, great and independent! He must be a real idiot to see what he's missing. I'm on my way right now and I need you to stop crying and sit down breath and try to relax."

"No -no court don't interrupt your date I'm just being childish I need to suck it up."

"See you soon." Courtney hung up and quickly checked the other text from the unknown number.Everything clicked in her mind. Alejandro was the guy Heather was talking bout that's why he was here with Courtney to get back at Heather. Though it was such a coincidence that she so happened to be Courtney's friend.


Princess, comeback in 5 minutes.

Courtney stared at her phone in confusion. She grabbed her stuff and ran out as she approached the bar she say Duncan talking to Alejandro, there eyes connected and he gave a her a wink. As she got closer she heard the conversation.

"I'm using her to get back at a girl, it's just a casual hookup-" Alejandro smirked.

Courtney marched up to Alejandro slapped him right on the face,

"¿Qué diablos eres hijo de puta?" Alejandro cursed.

"Don't you dare say that! You fucking idiot, you better go to Heather and apologize and make it fucking work. Okay, instead of trying to be an asswhole by making matters worse and SLEEP WITH HER FUCKING BEST FRIEND!"Courtney yelled at him. "Heather is a complicated person she wasn't given a lot of love growing up so suck it up! Be a man and make it up her!" Courtney wrote her address and gave it him.

As he walked out of the bar Courtney turned to Duncan.

"Well princess who knew you have it in you."Duncan gave her a small clap "I'm actually quite impressed and I think it's hot when you curse. "

Courtney stared at him before breaking down into tears, Duncan stared at her in shock he wasn't exactly the best in this kind of situation. He made his way over to her and hugged she immediately hugged him back and set her head against his chest. Duncan patted her back trying to comfort her, he stared back at Geoff mouthing if he could leave. Geoff replied with a nodd and Duncan was off with a weeping Courtney in his arms.

In his favor Duncan's apartment wasn't too far from the bar. Courtney was wailing in his arms receiving strange looks from passing strangers. Once he reached the apartment he started fumbling around for his keys in his pockets after a couple of minutes he found them and walked in. Courtney who was still crying her eyes out, took a second to observe her surroundings. She realized she was no longer in the club/bar but rather in a small apartment although it was messy it was still cosy and inviting. Duncan guided her to the couch so she could rest. The two sat down but as Duncan was about to stand back up she reached for his arm and whispered for him to stay. Courtney laid in his toned arms, her tears had dried up but she had a hiccup. Duncan hummed and patted her back, he'd never done anything like this, Duncan himself has never been so emotional he always kept himself cold never let himself get emotionally attached to anybody. Because throughout his life he'd always been a disappointment to his family and never got any love from his father. Because of that it shaped who he is today. His teal eyes looked down so see that Courtney had fallen asleep. Slowly he picked her up and brought her to his room, he placed her on his bed, as he made his way.

Courtney's silent and sweet voice said "Stay, I don't feel like being alone at the moment."

Duncan crawled into to bed with her, and wrapped his arms around her small waist as she cuddled up to him.

"Night princess." Duncan whispered.

Isn't Duncan the cutest? 

- A xx

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