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"Ugh I'm going to be late." Courtney groaned in frustration she looked up at Heather through the mirror. Courtney had a date with Scott a guy she recently met at a cafe, he had spilled coffee on her and asked if he could make it up with her a drink at a bar. Courtney nonchalantly agreed, scott seemed cute in a scruffy kind of way. As well as Heather said 'She needed to get a life and to spice up her dating life.'

Currently the clock read 7:20, her date was at 8 o'clock on the dot, though Courtney being her persistent self wanted to be there at 7:50 at the latest, the young brunnette had planned everything in her head. The bar was a good 15 mins away from the apartment, that she shared with both her friends Heather and Bridgette, so if she left the house by 7:30, it would her at least 5 minutes maybe even 10 minutes to catch a cab then she would hopefully arrive at the bar at 7:50. But at the speed at which Heather was straightening her hair, she may as well not even go.

Impatiently Courtney stomped her feet on the floor. "Any time this year would be nice."

Heather glared at her "May I just remind you, that YOU were the one who asked for MY help so you're just going to have to deal with the pace I go." Courtney mumbled something under her breath knowing quite right that the statement that Heather made was indeed right. "I'm done now."

"FINALLY!" The tan beauty spritz herself with perfume, grabbed her purse and dashed out the door. Courtney glanced at her phone to check the time. 7:33. "Note to self when in hurry NEVER let heather do your hair."

In Courtney favor she found a cab that was parked exactly outside her apartment and off she was, like a bullet to her date.

At the bar.

Duncan Nelson, a sexy young delinquent, with a green mohawk, facial piercings, plenty tattoos, sharp teal eyes and a fit body.During the day time he worked at a tattoo parlor but at night he worked at 'Club de McLean' it was a popular place. Working as a bartender had plenty of perks, for starters he worked with his best friend Geoff, he gets free booze and he's gotten laid by plenty ladies.

"There you go ladies" Duncan served the group of young ladies in front of him, he flashed them his famous smirk and even gave them a wink, which caused an eruption of giggles out the the group of girls before him. As the group of girls left, one of them slid her number on a small piece of paper. 'Call me' she mouthed and walked over to the rest of her friends. Duncan smirked down at the piece of paper.

"Someone is getting some tonight." Geoff his colleague and best friend gave him a fist bump.

"Damn right I am." the delinquent slipped the paper into his pocket. He continued cleaning and making drinks. Until a stunningly gorgeous tan brunette walked through the door. She wore a red off the shoulder body con dress with a small slit in the front. It was classy and sexy.

The mysterious brunette came and sat on one of the bar stool. Her curious onyx eyes scanned the area until they were met with some sharp teal ones.

Duncan shot her smirk and made his way over to her. "So whats a pretty little thang like you doing here?"

Courtney scrunched up her nose at the stranger in front of her "I have a date if you must know"

"So then, princess what would you like to drink as you wait for your so called date." Duncan rolled his eyes, another prissy bitch who thinks she better than everyone else.

"Um number one, My name isn't Princess it's Courtney, Courtney Martinez and number two yes I do have a date I just like to come a tad bit earlier. " Courtney spoke proudly "And I'll have a Martini."

"Such a princess." Duncan mumbled but still made her the drink anyway.

"Here ya go Princess." He passed her the drink. "So Princess, tell me why are you here earlier then your date?"

"I just believe that If you don't come in first, don't come at all." Courtney explained her motto to the stranger before her. Duncan gave her a sort of 'What the fuck' look. She rolled her eyes at the delinquent and just about as she wanted to thank him, she was interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.

"H-hey Courtney right?" Scott tapped her shoulder.

"Yes, and you must be Scott"Courtney gave him a quick hug. "If you don't mind I already order a drink"
"Oh no no it's fine don't worry." Scott shrugged.

As Courtney was just about to sit down, Scott sprinted to pull out her chair.
"Oh, Thank you."

"Oh, don't worry pappy always taught me to treat beautiful ladies right."

Duncan wanted to burst into laughter, the boy who he know knew as Scott, was totally whipped. Duncan went on with his job though for some reason his eyes would often just drift off to Courtney, his teal eyes seemed to be mesmerized by her beauty. He even noticed that  she had six freckles on the bridge of her nose. As he concentrated more on Courteney their eyes suddenly made contact. Her eyes screamed boredom and she really wanted the date to end. So Duncan came over with a mischievous grin on his face.

"So love birds how the date going?" He turned his attention to Courtny "You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"Of course I am." Courtney put on the best fake smile she could.

"So would you like a refill on those drinks of yours?"
"Umm no i think-"Just as Scott was about to refuse.
"No, no this one's on me buddy I insist."
"Alright then." Duncan turned around to get them their drink as he set them down he slipped a pill in Scotts drink. And now we wait the delinquent thought to himself.

About five minutes a shriek of horror filled the club. Both Duncan and Geoff turned their heads to see where the sound came from. The shriek had come from Courtney, with her dress now drenched in beer, Scott was panicking trying to dry her dress with tissues.

"I think it's for the best if you just leave." Courtney messaged her temples.

"Ok-k-kay I'm so sorry about your dress once again." Scott put his hands through his ginger locks "How about we go for a drink next week?"

"No, how about no." Courtney stood up and glared at him.

After the whole episode that courtney had, she came back from the bathroom with her dress partially dry and a pissed off expression. She gladly took a seat by the bar, relieved that Scott was no longer there. The date was the terrible, all he would ever talk about was dirt and gardening and all kinds of crap that Courtney didn't care about. He also smelled really bad as well. Courtney took out her phone to order an uber, she just needed to get out of here as soon as possible and take a shower relax.

"So princess was farm boy not your prince in shining armor?" Duncan came and sat on the bar stool next to her. His shift was over but the night was still young "So, you have any plans for the rest of the night, because my apartment isn't too far from here."

"Hahaha, you're so funny!" Courtney rolled her eyes " Not interested. But thanks anyways for getting me out of that situation but you're still on ogre who ruined my dress. "

"Any time princess." He winked. "You sure 'bout that princess, the offer still stands."
"Nope." A ping from her phone moved her attention "In Fact my ride is here so goodbye ogre."

Duncan checked her out one last time until she was no longer in site. He reached down into his pocket for the number he got earlier tonight, but to his dismay it wasn't their. All he had left was the thought of Courtney that wouldn't leave his mind.

Hey guys sorry that I kind of disappeared for a good couple of months, I've had a bit of writers block as well as I've been studying for my exams that I will be having soon.But anyways this is a new book I've come up with hope you enjoy it.

- A xx

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