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3 days later.

Sunday night Duncan was working his usual shift. All the time he heard the door open his head would immediately turn just to check who it was, there was a tiny bit of him that would hope it was Princess, AKA the girl he say the other night, but sadly he was let down. 'Just face it, she's not coming back any time soon.' Duncan thought to himself while sighing in frustration. He continued his job and attending to all the customers. Maybe he could get laid and forget about the tan princess stuck in his head.

An hour later the door opened to be hold the bold and beautiful Courtney  though Duncan told himself to ignore the door and that she was never going to come back. Geoff came up to him
"Hey dude can you go to the dudette over there while i go take a piss."
"Sure man, whatever."Lazily Duncan walked over the the lady, though he hadn't looked up at her yet "So what will it be tonight?"
"I'll have a Margarita thank you very much."
Duncan's head immediately shot up and his lips "curved into a smirk. "So the princess returns, couldn't get enough of me huh? Don't worry I don't blame you."
"As if, I have a date." Courtney rolled her eyes.
"With farm boy?" Duncan questioned.
Courtney looked at Duncan, she could detect jealousy but her mind couldn't understand why.
"Of course not, I just went on that date out of pity. Tonight it's a blind date my roommate set it up." She explained
Though Duncan's eyes couldn't help but drift down her luscious body. She had on a white long sleeved v neck with a matching baby pink skirt, though her outfit was quite simple she looked stunning.
"Umm, my eyes are up here thank you very much."
"Yeah but your boobs are down there." Duncan winked and began making her drink. As he swiftly turns to give her  her drink the girl before him has tan and tone arms round her body. The mystery man then let's go of her after he had quite a fondle of her body, which disgusted Duncan.
The man was tall, baby blue eyes, tan skin, looked fit
"Here is your drink princess."he said loudly in order to catch both princess and the mystery man turned to look at the punk.
"Thanks...." Courtney paused only just realizing she didn't know his name.
"Duncan." Duncan winked and left to go attend to some other people.

"So Courtney is it?" Justin looked down at her. "You have some nice feature but oh certainly not as good as mine."
Courtney stared at him in utter shock, what a complete imbecile. The feisty brunette wanted to destroy him and bury him 6 foot under ground but she decided to just hold her tongue and see what the rest of the night held.

"So my agent now suggests that I should be a hand model to give make my image go up. My secret to going to the spa three times a week, they...." Justin continued to ramble on about his phony modeling career. After being with him for a good 30 minutes or more she realised he wasn't exactly the gorgeous guy heather described him as.

Courtney literally almost fell asleep, her date had been terrible once again. She swore to never trust Heather to help her pick her date. Justin was so sexist, arrogant and self absorbed, he just continued to ramble on and on about his modeling career and all this other stuff courtney didn't care. Occasionally she would drop a 'Uh Huh' or maybe even a 'wow, that's so interesting.'

Her onyx eyes occasionally drifted to Duncan to see what he was up to, probably having a better time than she is. Occasionally their eye would meet and he would flash her a smirk or a flirty wink then she would turn away to hide her tinted cheeks. Needless to say he was the only one making her tolerate this night.

"So princess how your date going?" Duncan strolled to Courtney once Justin had gone to the bathroom "Because it seems to me that Ken Doll isn't exactly impressing you."
"Don't call me that you ogre and First of all his name is Justin not Ken. Secondly the date is going perfectly fine thank you very much."
"You amuse me so much princess. Once your ready to date a real man just call me" He slid her a piece of paper with his number on it.  "And by the way I've been called worse."
"You might as well just take the paperback because like i said earlier I'm perfectly fine with Justin darling "

Just as Duncan was about to say something the devil himself came back.
"Hey, what do you think your doing with my girl?"
"Umm excuse me-"

"Do you think you have a chance with her, because you don't and never will."Justin continued to taunt Duncan.

"Listen here pretty boy, you better shut the fuck up before i pelt your face with my fist. And may I just add I am twice the man you will ever be so don't you dare say shit to me" The veins along his neck started to pop out.

"I mean if you take all the metal off your face you might have a chance but I don't think she would stoop that low" Duncan grabbed Justin's neck and smashed his head onto the bar table, he continued to punch Justin in the face. Courtney stood there trying to get stop the fight. As more and more people started to gather round. Encouraging Duncan to beat the shit out of Justin.

Courtney started making her way over to Duncan and grabbed his hand, forcing him to stop.     Slowly he started to calm down as her petite hands then removed his hand from Justin's face. Geoff came and too Duncan to the back room to try and get him fixed up. While Courtney dealt with Justin.
"You idiotice self absorbed bastard. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, honestly i don't feel any sympathy towards you ignorant brute. Who do you think you are objectifying me like that! And good luck having with your modeling now" The tanned beauty gave him a good slap on the cheek and went looking for Duncan.

Only for the soul purpose on checking on how he his and not for anything else, or at least that's what Courtney is telling herself to think that. She found him with an ice pack on his right hand still covered blood.She noticed a few scars and bruises that Justin managed to get but the damage was nothing compared to what had happened to Justin.

"Oh what an honor the princess has come bless me with her presents." Duncan looked up at her as she came to sit down next to him.

"Hey you okay?"

"I've been through worse in juvie." Duncan shrugged.

The word juvie made Courtney freeze for a split second, but then decided not to say anything about that.

"Well I just wanted to say thanks for what you did and umm hope you get better soon." She gave him a little hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh princess I knew you wanted me." He smirked

"Ugh you are unfreakingbelievable." She stormed out of the storage unit and left.


Another chapter yet again, whoop whoop. Tbh I had a lot of fun writing the part about Duncan beating up Justin.

- A xxx

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