1."be yourself"

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mom:oh it's on the couch honey don't be late ok?


I grabbed my backpack from the couch and my house keys and went out the door

I walked to the bus stop and when I got there it was a crowd of people in a circle

It was probably a fight or something so I didn't care much for it

When the bus pulled up I was the first one on,I sat in the back while everyone else pilled on

As we were driving away from the stop I saw a young girl on the ground not moving...she just stood there...

💭"wtf why would they do that to her"

I shook my head in disbelief I can't believe these folks,not only that I was disappointed in myself for not helping

When the bus stopped I got off the bus and pushed the big heavy door open

💭"ok let's find an main office"

I searched the floor and found the main office,I walked there and grabbed my schedule


1 hour:Ms becket(math)(room 103)

2 hour:Mr Gibson(science)(room 401)

3 hour:Mr Morgan(health)(room 328)

4 hour:ms Johnson(ELA)(room 12)

5 hour:Ms Dufel(Social studies)(room 408)

6 hour:Mr brown(art)(room 108)

Hmm cool

I flipped the paper around seeing my locker code and the classroom numbers

I walked into the hallways and followed a random crowd until I looked up and saw "classrooms from 400-410"

I smiled and went down the hall and went into the classroom

When I walked in everyone stared at me and started whispering I threw my hood over my head and walked over to the teacher desk asking where my seat was

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