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📍yonker High(6 hr)
⌚️2:47 pm

 👳🏽‍♂️E⃨T⃨H⃨A⃨N⃨S⃨ P⃨O⃨V⃨👳🏽‍♂️

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👳🏽‍♂️E⃨T⃨H⃨A⃨N⃨S⃨ P⃨O⃨V⃨👳🏽‍♂️

I watched as she walked away from me...frl this time

I didn't mean it like that i js don't understand y...

💭"great now she frl don't wanna speak to us SHE HATES US"

I walked to 6th hr and sat in the back away from everyone

I put my head down dozing off in the act

???:notti youn want ur clay project?

I slowly lifted my head to see ddot standing infornt of me

What?what time is it

Ddot:2:50 but I asked u if u wanted ur clay project

Nahh I'm coolin


I looked in the front to see Eliza working on her clay project,I sighed and got up

Mr brown

Mr brown:yes Ethan?

Can u cmere

Mr brown:yes

How do I like-ion know what I'm doin

Mr brown:well first did you sketch what ur drawing


Mr brown:well let's do that first I'll get you a piece of paper

*after school*
📍on the bus
⌚️3:09 pm

I sat on the back of the bus with dd,ddot,and Eliza

dd:yoo look it


dd showed me this party that him and ddot were going to,they had already asked me but I said no

dd:you sure you don't wanna go


ddot:Mmcht cmonnnn

Nah I'm coolin

I faced forward and put my head on the seat in front of me and dozed off

dd:it's bc of that girl....

No tf it's not-I said snapping my neck towards him

ddot:yes it is bro if u wasn't all up in ya feelings u would have went


dd:bro Eliza-



Leave her tf outta dis bruh-I said sternly

Eliza turned around and moved her headphones

Eliza:someone said sum?

they shook their heads no while I faced the window silent
📍Reyes home
⌚️3:47 pm

I threw my backpack on the couch and went upstairs,when I made it upstairs I locked the door and went to sleep

-a few hours later-

I sat up facing the tv Looking around my room while stretching

I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone to check the time

"6:47" I got out of bed and ran the shower

I checked my Phone while waiting for the water to warm up

I had 21 missed calls from group chats and messages

But one message stood out to me

It was Eliza she texted me on Instagram leaving me a huge paragraph I was debating on whether I should read it or not

I decided on reading it after the shower
-after shower-

Iamunknown:I don't understand you Notti at all how r u gonna say u feel hurt but this whole time u were lying about ur status but then when I asked u it's "y u mad we're not even together"don't talk to me at all

It wasn't even like that

Iamunknown:that's what they all say ima js block u so we won't have problems maybe u could actually gain my trust back from a distance

No no no no don't do that

Iamunknown:u were fuckin lying from the start talm bout"I wanna b friends"mane fuck that youn wanna be ma friend u wanna leave me alone u knew you didn't fw me idk y tf i thought we were friends u made me look like a daym fool Ethan A FOOL

Iamunknown:ima js help our"friendship"and block u goodnight

I furrowed my eyebrows in anger..

In hurt

In confusion

In revenge....

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