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💕EL⃨I⃨Z⃨A⃨ P⃨O⃨V⃨💕

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💕EL⃨I⃨Z⃨A⃨ P⃨O⃨V⃨💕

I checked the window every few minutes to make sure he wasn't pulling up no time soon

I threw my backpack over my back and picked my bag up

I sighed and looked if I had left anything when I okayed it I looked out the window one last time to see nobody there still

I took a deep breath and opened the door searching the scene and the area

When no one was around I took off and went down the street soon going into some woods

When I found my way out I looked around to see if I knew the area which I didn't I sighed and continued walking down

I checked my watch to see it was 10:40 I looked back up to see it dark asf

I looked forward to see a gas Station I went inside and bought some snacks and some drinks and left

I then when on google maps to search for an hotel

I found a hotel one mile away from me I sighed and pressed directions

Not wanting to walk I checked my cash app to see I had enough to buy a room for a few nights and get an Uber,I smiled and went on the Uber app and bought an Uber

While I was waiting I sat on the corner but spectating to see if I saw Notti

Not only was I running away from him I could be costing my life what if he found me?if he did find me he would kill,abuse or anything I know how crazy he is about me

You guys saw it for yourself he literally grab my neck bc I was pissed ab him and his girlfriend

A few minutes later a car pulled up beside me and rolled their window down

???:uber for Eliza?


Uber:hop in

I opened the back door and got in closing it behind me

Uber:where to?

To the nearest hotel

Uber:cool my name is Alisha I will be your Uber


I faced the window and watched as we passed cars and the sky's and trees

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