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*still Eliza pov*
⌚️10:00 am

I was sitting in the living room watching tv when emani came in asking me about ddot

Check in the recording room he probably in there with notti n dd-I said not taking my eyes off the tv

Emani went down there to check and came back upstairs standing in front of the tv

Aye move

Emani:they not down there

Well call him or sum ion know can you please move

Emani:fine I'll find him myself

Ok be safe

Emani:Eliza what the fuck is your problem

Nothing I'm just tryna watch tv

Emani looked at me and moved going upstairs to her room to change and to go look for them

After she was done she came back downstairs asking me if I was going


Emani opened the door and grabbed her keys and closed it locking it

Getting tired of the show I was watching I began flipping through channels when the door opened

I looked over to see the boys and Emani coming back in

Everyone went upstairs and did their own thing as I still flipped through channels,after a minute of flipping I went on Netflix and went to my saved movies

I clicked on vivo and got under the covers and reclining the seat back connected to the couch pulling my legs up

As the movie started I heard someone come down the stairs.unbothered I continued watching the movie until they jumped over the couch and sat next to me

I looked over to see ddot watching the movie with me

Shaking my head I turned the tv up and leaned my head on my hand
⌚️4:09 pm

Tapping the wooden table I scrolled on tiktok humming

As I was scrolling I came over an edit of Notti and saved it to my favorites and continued scrolling

Getting by bored I put my phone in my backpack and left the park and walked around until I felt like it was time for me to go home

Walking away from the park I went to the deli and bought me some snacks and left going home

*my babyyy💗 is calling answer?*

While opening an airhead I answered the phone putting it to my ear


Notti:where you at?

On my way home why?

Notti:we finna go to the beach


Notti:you goin?

I guesss

Notti:mmcht why so you actin dry?

Nobody actin dry

Notti:yes u is

Did you call me to argue or to ask where I was?because either way it was dumb cause you got my location and for two you stay arguing wimmie

Notti mumbled something and hung up making me laugh

Not caring I walking up the street and up the drive way going inside seeing everybody in the living room

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