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📍Mariah house party
⌚️12:00 am

I stood up groaning holding my head trying to remember what happened in the past few hours

I looked around to see I was in a room I looked around to see Notti sleeping next to me

I got out the bed to see ddot,dd,Emani,and samiyah all sleeping on the floor in front of the bed I scratched my head and opened the door going outside to see I was still at Mariah's house

💭"did we ask to spend the night or we just all-"


I went back into the room and looked for my phone finding it on the floor

I picked it up reading"12:00"so we just went to sleep...bout two hours ago meaning the party ended two hours ago

I didn't question anything I put my phone back on my nightstand and got back in the bed cuddling Notti slowly falling back to sleep
⌚️2:04 pm

I slowly sat up to see everyone still sleep I turned over to my side and grabbed my phone looking at the time"2:04" I got out the bed scratching my head I walked towards the door opening it going outside

I hugged myself trying to bring myself some warmth also while tryna find a bathroom

Once I found it I did my morning routine and went back into the room

I was debating on waking them up and taking them to my house

I sighed and went over to Notti tapping his shoulder


Baby get up we're going home

Notti:we are home go back to sleep

No where still at Mariah house

Notti:what time is it

2:04 cnom

He groan and slowly got up rubbing his eyes while I did the same for everyone else
*in the car*

dd:bro im so tired

ddot:on bro

emani:what time did we even go to sleep?

we all hummed in sync and talked about the party

Emani:Eliza we going to ya house?




(Eliza's best friend)SAMIYAH KIYA HALLOWAY19Asian,mixed,Indian"Shii ion know"Straight The quiet one/brat

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(Eliza's best friend)SAMIYAH KIYA HALLOWAY
"Shii ion know"
The quiet one/brat

(Eliza's best friend)SAMIYAH KIYA HALLOWAY19Asian,mixed,Indian"Shii ion know"Straight The quiet one/brat

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