Chapter 10

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Yane's POV

Seeing Charm after those grueling days brought a sense of warmth and comfort that I hadn't realized I desperately needed. I felt a flicker of hope. The burden on my shoulders seemed a bit lighter.

Charm is busying herself with setting the table for breakfast. 

The atmosphere is serene, a stark contrast to the tumultuous events of the past few days. The doorbell chimes, drawing my attention. 

I make my way to the door.

To my surprise, it's Seam and Lara. Lara went out to buy something, and Seam came to meet me. 

The emotions hit me like a tidal wave. Lara, in tears, embraces me, cautioning against getting into trouble again. Seam adds, "I'm sorry, it took a little while to take you out of there."

We gather around the table for breakfast, the camaraderie offering a momentary escape from the harsh realities we're dealing with. 

As we start eating, I inquire about the situation, verifying the information Inspector Louis shared about the illegal drug trade.

Seam confirms, "Yeah! The day you were arrested, I got to know about it on that day only. They can't openly launch that drug as a commercial drug."

Everything we believed until now appears to be based on false assumptions. The realization dawns on me. "But, wait! This means all we need to do is to expose them to the public. Right?"

Seam nods in agreement. "That's amazing! We need to expose them. Have you guys devised any plan for this?" I ask, realizing the urgency of acquiring information discreetly.

"I am the only one seeing the office side and trying to figure out things. But..." Seam pauses, "it doesn't have any success. I have been trying to figure out things at our research lab, but there is nothing absurd going on."

Lara interjects, "Then, we need to dig deeper." Her contemplative expression hints at a plan forming in her mind.

After a thoughtful pause, she continues, "Your brother majorly runs this business. Right?"

"Yeah! My cousins, the sons of Mr. Lang, run it majorly. My brother is not yet involved in this business." I provide clarity.

"So, why don't any of you get a job in there?" Lara suggests, directing her gaze at me. "This way you can get closer to him and find out the secrets taking advantage of him."

The idea holds merit, but a concern surfaces in my mind. "But, there is a problem, they already recognize me now. Seam is their cousin, and they might probably know you because your father is a corporate lawyer and you have also gone to events with him."

Charm, who has been quietly listening, speaks up, "Then, I should go!"

"Wait! What the hell are you saying, Charm?" I can't help but express my worry for her safety. This endeavor is risky, especially for someone who hasn't been involved in such matters.

Seam adds, "She is right, and she is so beautiful. My brother will like her; she is so much his type."

"But! It is way too risky for her." Tears well up in my eyes. I fear for her safety, recalling the ordeal I went through. What if they subject her to the same treatment?

Charm remains resolute, "I can do this. I can't see you suffering alone like this. Please, do not stop me; this is my decision."

I can't deny her choice. My worry intensifies, fueled by love for her. "Okay," I reluctantly agree.

"Then! Go to our office today. His secretary is on maternity leave. So, he is looking for someone to take up her place," Seam reveals, swiftly strategizing our approach.

"But, what about your college then?" Lara raises a valid concern.

"I will manage it. Do not worry about that. I will ask Alice to fill in for me as she is back from her home. I will manage it, leave it on me." Charm's newfound courage shines through, making her even more admirable.


Charm's POV

Standing in front of the imposing "Miracle Medicines" building, I take a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves. Yane's assurances play in my mind – she's monitoring me, ensuring my safety. I step inside, greeted by a receptionist who smiles warmly and inquires, "How can I help you?"

"I am here to interview..." Before I can complete my sentence, a familiar voice interrupts.

"To interview as my secretary," he declares, revealing himself to be Lang's son, the same guy Yane kicked at the college campus. My heart sinks; I did not expect to encounter him here. He knows me, and he knows Yane. The memories of high school, filled with unpleasant encounters with him, resurface.

Physically, Min-Jae had a commanding aura. His body exuded strength, his muscles subtly defined beneath the tailored suit. 

His hands seemed capable of gripping the world, and his jawline cut sharply, revealing a face that could easily be described as dangerously handsome.

His eyes, deep pools of mystery, locked onto mine as if assessing my very soul. I had never liked this guy, even in High school. There was something about him that was unsettling, and now, the realization of working closely with him stirred an uneasy feeling within me.

His demonic voice sends shivers down my spine as he narrows his eyes, questioning, "Am I right, Miss Charm?" I did not know he was Lang's son, and now, I'm caught in a precarious situation.

Gathering my composure, I reply firmly, "Yes."

He leads me to his office, an expansive space adorned with numerous windows. His desk and surroundings speak of affluence. The nameplate reads "Min-Jae," a Korean name that strikes me as peculiar.

As he questions me about the girl who punched him, I maintain my confidence, "No, she is just a friend. Also, I am sorry for that day."

"No need to be sorry; I will take my revenge on her," he asserts. The tension in the room heightens. "Did you know she was in jail?" he probes, suspicion evident in his eyes.

I feign ignorance, "What! Jail? I did not know about that. I don't even know who she is and what she does. She is just someone who studies in our college."

Unconvinced, he then poses a surprising question, "Do you want to be my secretary?"

"That's what I am here for," I respond, my gaze unwavering despite the undercurrent of discomfort.

"Okay then! You are my secretary from now on." His intentions remain unclear.

As he stood up and approached me, the temperature in the room seemed to rise. My pulse quickened as he leaned in, his breath grazing my skin. "You are more beautiful from this close," he remarked, his unsettling proximity leaving me uneasy. 

Chill runs down my spine as he kisses my forehead. I despise this intrusion but endure it. I don't like that he doesn't even think if the other person is comfortable or not.

"Okay then, be ready; we need to have a meeting today, our shareholder's meeting."

"Okay!" I reply, maintaining a facade of confidence as I stand up from my seat.

As we left his office, I couldn't shake off the feeling that working as Min-Jae's secretary might lead to a series of unpredictable and dangerous events.

Author's Note

I hope you are enjoying the story by far.

I have reduced the chapter's length because I am uploading twice a week now. 

It is hard to express my gratitude through words, still all I have is a, "Thankyou!"

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