Chapter 24

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Amelia POV

I get angry. I push away his hands and shuffle to my feet. 

I shout as he gets on his feet, “I don't need anyone. I won't go anywhere. I don't need anyone. I am an orphan and I will be….”

“Shhh.” he cuts me off with his index finger on my lips.

I slap his hand away and step back, “Are you happy now? He left me on his own. He fucking left me.” a tear drops from my eyes, “He said that he can't deal with you so he left me.” and at a lightning speed I grab the centrepiece and throw it beside him.

He doesn't even flinch as it breaks beside his legs into small pieces the same way just like how my mind is everywhere.

“LEAVE.”  I growl. 

I don't need anyone. I am an orphan and I will die as an orphan. I don't need anyone. I will get back to my usual self. It will be I who will leave others and not the other way round. This is the last time I let someone leave me broken.

“Never.” he replies with such certainty that it made my heart quivered, making it harder to keep my tears at bay.

He takes a step forward and continues, “He doesn't deserve you, Amelia. He couldn't even deal with a little pain, he couldn't give up money for you, Amelia. He doesn't deserve you.”

I get annoyed by his mouth spitting the truth. Yeah it hurts to find that the man who claimed to love me couldn't give up money for me.

I shout, “Shut up. Just shut up.” I swivel and walk blankly to my room. “I don't need anyone.” I mumble more to myself, “I can live my life alone. I need no one.”

I wipe the lone tear but another replaces it.

“Ouch.” I yelp when my pinky toe bumps with the threshold of my room. I crouch down while clutching my pinky toe and groaning in pain. I swivel and plaster my back on the wall as tears of pain well up in my eyes.

I slap his hands away as he tries to approach me. I glare at his crouched figure.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

Instantly big tears start falling through my eyes.

“Very.” I replied. It hurts. It hurts to find yet another leaving me. It hurts to find the person in whom I was seeing my future leaving me.

Agastya cups my cheeks and grits out with clenched teeth, “You know, I am damn angry right now.” he wipes the tear streak with his thumb but another set replaces it and instantly his hold on my jaw tightens as he grits out, “Why are you hurt because of him? It would be better if the reason behind your sadness was me.”

“I am not.” I growl with tears falling through my eyes. “I am hurt because I bumped my pinky. And it hurts.”

Immediately he pulls me in a hug and my wailing increases. I push my face against the crook of his neck. My shoulders shuddered as I cried. I felt an uncomfortable pain in my heart. It was like someone was clutching it mercilessly.

“I will be here for you Amelia. Always.” 

With one palm clutching my toe and with the other I clutch his shirt.

“Do you really think, I will believe you.” I say, without an ounce of politeness. I push him back and sniffle. I wipe my tears away and say, “Don't think I have forgotten how you had left me. How mercilessly you had left me on that road.” tears bubble up in my eyes again, “How heartbreaking it was to find out you left me in the middle of road after promising me to take me. How….”

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