4. Punishment

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I raced after the ambulance and nearly cried as I seen a whole bunch of other flashing lights at Mack's house.

I jammed my car into park and threw the door open. I ran over the scene and Kian stumbled over to me.

"OH MY GOSH YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEEEN IT! I BUSTED HIM!" He yells and throws his hands up. I roll my eyes and lead Kian inside where I see Gilinsky laying on the couch with an ice pack on his jaw and his hands bandaged up.

"Holy fuck Kian what did you do!" I scream and push him into the chair. "You need to get your shit straight. I don't know who you think you are walking into this town, getting hammered and then knocking out my best friends!" I grit my teeth.

I jump when I feel a hand on my wrist. Gilinsky pulls me down to his face. "It wasn't his fault, Mar. We didn't kinda push him around a bit," Gilinsky gulps.

"Yeah seeeeeee!" Kian say and grabs my hand. "Now you owe me an apology," he says and sticks out his lip.

"I'm sorry," I say. "That you've done nothing but cause trouble since you came," I add before turning around and walking outside where the police are talking to Jack and Mack.

"Officer may I talk to you?" I ask and get one's attention. He walks over to me with a smile.

"Yes ma'am?" He ask with his hand in his pocket.

Once he gets closer I recognize him.

It was the man that left me with a psycho woman when I was 13.


He laughs.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" He asks and shines his light on me to get a better view.

"I'm Marley, your only daughter?" I say, trying to remind him.

He stares blankly at me like I'm speaking Dutch.

"I'm Gina's daughter. You know, Marlene Andréa Dallas?" I say and roll my eyes.

"Marlene! I didn't recognize you!" He says and smiless.

"I sure didn't expect you to be friends with a bunch of boys," he says. "You sure are a beautiful young lady," his eyes look me up and down.


"I'll need to take everyone down for questioning." He says.

I go in a car with JJ, Mike, and lieutenant Chris.

As we pull into the station lieutenant Chris brings me into a room for questioning.

"I wasn't even at the scene the time of the fight," I say and play with my fingers.

"Well could you tell us any past history between you and the two hooligans that were fighting?" He asks and grabs a pen from his drawer.

"Well," I begin.

"Sammy, the one who was taken to the hospital was always a little protective of me. And when I moved here from California I had to break up with Kian, the other hooligan, and Sam was ecstatic. He hated Kian. Always would call him a queer and other names like that," I said. I realized tears were forming in my eyes.

"Ever since Kian arrived today, he's done nothing but bad," I say.

"Bad?" The officer questions.

"Yeah. He made me really mad as soon as he flew in, and then he was in this fight, he was also very very drunk at the time of the fight, and then got into another minor fight with my other friend Jack Gilinsky," I say.

"Does your boyfriend fight often?" He asks as he scribbled on the board.

"I haven't seen him in a few months. You would have to ask Jc." I say.

"Will do ma'am. Thank you for you time and honest answers." He nods and opens the door. I put my head down and a few tears slip away as he calls Jc back.

This was going to be a long night.



I'm sorry this story is so awful but I hope it gets better!

Love Always,
Jayme 💥

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