Chapter 26: Calamity

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"Yibo, I hope you already know what you should do now as a Police Officer, right? Please co-operate with us. We'll be there soon." Mianmian cut the call, sighed and moved her gaze outside the window.

Their car has started acsending the hills again. Song Jiang was at the wheel, Mianmian was at the passenger seat staring blankly outside the window and Zhu Zhanjin was busy in mobile studying the reports of the case.

There was a complete silence in the car, the hissing sound of the car engine was deafening.

They were going to arrest their dear friend's boyfriend. They were equally upset and awkward for it, but it was their duty... they had to do it.

"What do you think Mianmian? Is it really Xiao Zhan?"
Finally Zhu Zhanjin spoke up his doubt.

Mianmian didn't shift her gaze from window, she sighed again, "I don't know. Apparently it seems impossible for Xiao Zhan. But if we consider DPD as per our experts then he might be the one we're looking for."

These was another silence.

A while later Zhu Zhanjin's annoyed voice sounded "How can these all raid and findings happen so fast in the morning that it ended even before we could reach the Bureau!"

Mianmian was calm, she replied "...This morning a completely different team raid and investigated everything at his house as SIT members were all busy in the mountain villa with John's case."

"Was this the reason that our Director left so fast in the morning?" Suddenly Song Jiyang asked.

Mianmian pursing her lips she shrugged "Might be possible. But he didn't inform anything about the raid to us prior. And now suddenly we're ordered to go and arrest Xiao Zhan."

"Don't we have the details of the findings already?" Song Jiang asked again as his eyes were fixated on the road.

"Yes we've." Zhu Zhanjin put down his mobile "...Now we're ordered to go and collect Xiao Zhan's fingerprint to match with the fingerprints left on the murder weapon and also his handwriting sample to match with the threat notes found in his house."

Song Jiang nodded, then asked again "What about BoWen? What is the role of him in this? Is he innocent then?"

Mianmian's gaze was blank out of the window, she replied "We haven't figured it out yet but Su She and BoWen were definitely linked to the case and Xiao Zhan also. We'll have to interrogate them farther to know the complete truth."

Zhu Zhanjin asked "I don't understand why Xiao Zhan would kill them? What would be his motive?"

"Revenge!" Song Jiang's calm yet cold voice sounded almost immediately, he continued
"You're all forgetting that these all victims were the suspects of 25/12 case where Yibo's parents died. He could've wanted to take revenge on the behalf of his boyfriend."

Like a thunderbolt everyone got the connection.

Xiao Zhan really had motives!

Then is Yibo involved too?

Probably not...

Zhu Zhanjin again concentrated in his mobile "Anyways, from now on we wouldn't bring out every details about this case to Yibo as his boyfriend is now found to be involved too."

Mianmian sighed "You won't understand what Yibo is going through right now. I can understand it as I've faced it too during BoWen's arrest. Yibo would be panicked and paranoid right now."


In the mountain villa

Yibo was calling every sources that he had known to understand more about Xiao Zhan's house raid or why Xiao Zhan would get arrested, the exact report of the whole thing; but none of them were willing to answer him properly.

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