Chapter 42

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Callie's POV- 5 and 1/2 months

"See? There is the head. There is an arm. The little hand." Doctor Smith says as she moves the device over my swollen stomach. Now lets see...I am pretty sure its a boy. We can do some tests, but I definitely see a boy there."

"It could be a finger though couldn't it? I have heard of that," Harry says, holding my hand.

"It very well could be. Would you like to be surprised a little bit or wanna run some tests?" Doctor Smith asks.

"Surprised," Harry and I answer at the same time. She nods with a smile and hands me a towel. Iclean up my stomach and stand up with the help of Harry. I am not used to the belly so Harry has to help me. We check out and everything and leave.

"Well, have you thought of names?" I ask him as he drives.

"Well. If is it a girl, I like the name Darcy. For a boy?...I think  Aiden or Jason." Harry smiles sheepishly at me. I squeeze his hand.

"I like the name Chandler for a boy." I say.

"How about...Jason Chandler?" Harry asks. I like the sound of that.

"yeah. It sounds neat. Now what about if its a girl? I like the name Anne..."

"Our mums name? SO Darcy Anne?''

"Its either that or Darcy Lux...You decide."

"How about we get feedback from our friends later and then decide?" Harry suggests. I nod as we pull into the parking lot. We hop out and walk inside the Fish and Chips place. We sit down with Louis, Zayn, Zayn's girlfriend, Liam, Danielle, Niall, Eleanor, and Nicole-one of the friends we haven't talked to in a while. Louis' eyes keep wandering to Marissa, Zayn's girlfriend. He glares at Zane and then stares down at the table. I nudge Harry and gesture to Louis. He watches as Louis does the same thing he keeps doing.

"Boo, you okay?" Harry asks in a soft voice across the table. Louis nods his head.

"Fine, Haz," He forces a fake smile on his face. I look at him with sympathy. I don't know his situation, but I know it is bad. What could possibly be going on between Marissa, Zayn, and Louis? I will get to the bottome of this.

"You sure?" Harry asks.

"Yeah." Louis says. " Can I talk with you outside? Callie, you can come."

WE all walk out and Louis turns to us.

"Okay, well, um. You know Marissa? She, uh. I met her over the summer last year. Kind of a summer romance. Well, what I didn't realize is that she is my long lost step sister. My dad remarried. Wherever he is. I don't know. My biological father remarried and Marissa is his daughter. That makes her my step-brother. I haven't seen my father since last summer and I don't know what Marissa is doing here. She lived in Florida with her mum and my dad.." Louis trails off, waiting for our reactions.

"Wow..." I mutter. Louis nods.

"I know. I don't know what to do."

"You have feelings for her?" Harry asks him. Louis nods shyly.

"I shouldn't. It isn't right. It wont end up well. My father wont divorce her mum. He loves her. I know it. I have seen it in their eyes on vacation. I never met her. But I recognized my dad. He was with the woman and I knew it was his wife. But I didn't introduce myself. Marissa pulled me away. That is when I told her about everything. I proved it to her by showing her a picture of my dad when he was holding me in the hospital. She believed me and we broke it off. Now she is back and I don't know what to do."

"Its alright Lou. We will get through this." I say and rub his back. He nods and we group hug, laughing like hyenas.

"Thanks. I love you guys." Lou smiles.

"Love you too," Harry and I say and we all chuckle before heading inside to finish eating.

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