CHAPTER TWO: Goodbye to Detroit

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Fernando straightened out the wrinkles in his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror for the fifth time this morning. His hair was now styled and his clothes weren't wrinkled anymore. He had to make a good impression on his new schoolmates. He then continued staring at himself in the mirror intently as he slipped on his black puffer jacket.

After a few moments of staring at himself in the mirror, and it was unclear whether Fernando was judging or admiring himself, a series of loud car-horn honks were heard from outside the house. Fernando knew that was his sign to leave now.

He grabbed his bags and threw them over his back, hitting his hips hard. Despite the pain, he rushed down the stairs to meet his parents waiting for him at the door.

His mother smiled softly and placed his hands around Fernando's cheeks. She planted a soft and gentle kiss on his forehead and spoke to him quietly. "Siempre te amo, Fernando. Nunca olvidarás eso, mi hijo." He knew she meant that even if he were homosexual, she would love the rest of him. But, she would never love that part of him. She most likely ended up saying that because of the argument between his father and her.

"Gracias, mami. Te amo también." Fernando responded, though there was scarcely any passion or love in his tone. He turned to face his father, his expression now blank and serious, "Adios, Pa."
His father didn't deserve a proper goodbye. His father thought the opposite. The feeling of hate in their hearts was mutual and none of them minded that.

His father stared at him sternly, and without saying a word, he opened the front door and gestured for Fernando to leave. Fernando just nodded in response and gave a quick wave of goodbye to his parents.

Fernando quickly hurried out of the house, where he was then met with a chauffeur on the sidewalk.

There was a black limo adjacent to him, and the bald chauffeur gestured to the door in front of him.
Fernando walked towards the limo door, and the chauffeur opened the door. It seems like Fernando wasn't the only one heading to boarding school.
Inside the limo, a teenage boy who looked around Fernando's age was seated... Or rather laid down. He was sleeping already in the vast space of the limo's seats. The teenage boy had straight dirty blonde hair that was up to the bottom of his neck. His bangs were over his face, which was pretty pale. It was obvious that he was white, unlike Fernando.

Fernando sat beside the sleeping boy, and the chauffeur slammed the door, causing Fernando to flinch a bit. He studied the boy in front of him, wondering who he was and where he was from. He noticed that the dirty blonde boy had a few light freckles, and also seemed a bit underdressed for the Michigan weather. It was obvious he wasn't from around here.

Fernando took off his puffer jacket and placed it on top of the boy, covering his body. He noticed that the dirty blonde was trembling from the harsh winter cold and wanted to help him out.

The dirty blonde awoke slightly and stirred around. He opened his eyes slightly as the limo started to move and head on its way to its next destination. "What the...? What's this for?"

Fernando continued to study the dirty blonde but jumped a tad when he actually spoke to him. "Oh. Well, you looked cold. And you're way underdressed for Michigan weather. You're not from around here, are you?"

The dirty blonde chuckled, sat up in the seat of the limousine, and pushed his overgrown bangs back. "So, we're in Michigan, right?"    


"You're right that I'm not from around here then. I'm from California." The dirty blonde sat up and stretched his back, yawning ever so slightly as he did so.

"California, eh? That's a pretty warm state. You better get used to the cold weather then. You can have my jacket. I've got other ones." Fernando chuckled and laid back in the limo seat.

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