CHAPTER EIGHT: Hey! Don't do that, you suicidal maniac!

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Biology was, and always will be boring. Fernando almost fell asleep in that class. But, Aidan woke him up and dragged him out of class after the bell for the end of the period rang.

As they were stuffing their books into their lockers, Mason approached with his World History textbook and started opening his own locker.

"Hey, guys. We've  got P.E next, right?" Mason asked as he opened his locker. Fernando was taking off his jacket and tying it around his waist, already prepared for P.E. class. Aidan was beside Fernando, tying up his dreadlocks into a bun.

"Yeah. We're going to the gym." Aidan nodded as he finished tying his dreadlocks together and let his arms fall to his side. He leaned against a nearby wall as Fernando looked over at him, a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"Cool." Mason slammed his locker door and started heading towards the back of the academy, where the stairwell leading underground was. The gym, unsurprisingly, was underground. It was a smart choice, it was warmer down there and quieter. Though, it could get creepy near the Halloween season. There were some superstitions about it, but that isn't important right now.

Fernando and Aidan followed behind, walking closely to keep warm. Their arms touched ever so often, the warmth of Aidan's strong arms making Fernando's face heat up. Luckily, his blush wasn't visible.

Miri caught up with them and joined in as they walked past her locker. She wrapped her arm around Fernando and pulled on his hair teasingly, "Gah! Leave me alone, Miri!"

She didn't.

Miri kept her firm grip on Fernando's curls, making sure they were stuck in between her small fingers. Fernando gave up on trying to stop her and let her do her thing. Mason looked back and let out a silent chuckle before continuing to look ahead.

Minh caught up to them, too, or rather, they caught up to Minh. He was already by the stairwell, waiting for them as he scrolled on his phone. When hearing the sound of footsteps approach, specifically Aidan's loud Jordan 1's hitting the marble floors. There was something specific about the combination that just made Minh able to tell that Aidan was approaching, so he put his phone away and looked up, "Took you guys long enough."

He headed down the dark stairwell, his figure disappearing into the shadows. The rest of the group hurried down the stairwell, afraid of any ghosts or superstitions they'd heard about in their time here.
Thankfully, no ghosts or demons of any sort took them away and they made it to the gym safely. Miri kicked open the double doors, shouting loudly, "We are safe and sound!"

In return came piercing glares and irritated groans. A light auburn-haired woman and a black-haired man with gray streaking through his hair stood in the middle of the gym, presumably the P.E. teachers or whatnot, looking back at the group of students. There were probably a dozen other students in the gym, sitting on the bleachers, all staring at the group that had just entered.

They all awkwardly moved to sit down on the bleachers while everybody's eyes remained on them. They took their seats and the light auburn-haired woman continued speaking, a microphone to her mouth, "Before I was rudely interrupted, I was talking about how this isn't a normal P.E class. Well, this isn't a normal school in general, so why should the classes be normal?"

The woman had light auburn hair that looked long but was held back in a loose ponytail with some hair strands sticking out. She had layered hair, some being tied up and some falling out. She looked to be in her late 20s, yet still insanely attractive and young-looking.

The man beside her looked older, most likely in his early 50s. His previously black disheveled hair had been infested by gray hairs, a sign of aging. He was well fit, his arms so large that they could be seen from underneath his sweatshirt. He wore glasses that he adjusted as he looked around at the new students he had to be accustomed to.

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