CHAPTER FOUR: Some Wishes Don't Come True.

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"What do you mean I'm rooming with someone?!" Fernando shouted angrily at the tired woman in charge of assigning dorms. She rolled his eyes and forced the paper into Fernando's hand, "Whether you like it or not, you're late. You're stuck with rooming with someone, boy. Now, get out of my sight. The staircase is down the hall to the right, the elevator is straight down the hall and then take a right." Her voice was stern. Fernando's eyes gazed down to her nametag- 'Mrs. Campbell'.
Fernando silently cursed her in his mind before grabbing the paper and storming out of the main office. He crumpled up the paper and stomped on it. He then picked it up again and uncrumpled it to see who he was stuck rooming with.
"No way."
Great! Fernando was stuck rooming with Mason. Mason Marino. The very bane of his existence at this moment. Why did he have to be stuck with him? He hated this. He hated him.
As Fernando's eyes ran over the words over and over, he bumped into someone. His eyes darted up to the stranger he'd accidentally bumped into and before he could speak, they spoke, "Watch where you're going, idiot. Ya blind or something?" It was a raspy and masculine voice, that was for sure.
In front of Fernando stood a massive 6'3 guy who towered over him. His skin was a pale brown, unlike Fernando's chocolate brown. He looked slightly more muscular than Fernando, but less muscular than Aidan. His dark furrowed eyebrows had a slit going through them, his eyes staring daggers at Fernando. His black hair had been buzzed short but was now starting to grow out. He also had several piercings throughout his face, including a nostril, lower ear, and an eyebrow piercing.
"Uh. Sorry about that. It was my fault, I wasn't looking." Fernando apologized with a light nervous chuckle, his hands clenching on the paper in his right hand. The towering boy stared down at Fernando with his dark eyes and sighed, "Good. You better be sorry."
And with that, he strode past Fernando. Fernando turned around to watch the mysterious and intimidating guy take his leave. He quickly shrugged and brushed the interaction off as he continued his walk to the flight of stairs.
After a minute or so, Fernando reached double black doors which he had to push open to reach the flight of stairs outside. Great, he had to go upstairs outside every day in the freezing cold from now on. He breathed out before beginning to slowly but surely ascend the multiple flights of stairs. The boys' quarters were on the fifth floor of this side of the castle, while the girls' quarters were on the third floor of the opposite side of the castle.
After climbing the stairs for God knows how long, Fernando finally reached the double doors leading to the dormitories for the boys. He pushed the doors open with his bag across his chest and entered the warm corridor. He sighed in relief, slightly sweating even in the cold. He made his way to his assigned room, 15.
Once he arrived at the door of room 15, it was already open. Fuck. Mason was already there? Fernando walked into the room, ready to drop his bag. When he reached the part of the room where he could see the beds, his eyes landed on the bed and he dropped his bag, but not on purpose.
There were two guys making out on the bed, who had been startled by the sound of Fernando dropping his bag and quickly pulled away, "Uh... Sorry to interrupt you guys...But, this is room 15, right?" He gave a nervous grin.
The two boys looked at each other and shook their heads. One was blonde and the other had dyed dark red hair. The blonde spoke up, "You've got the wrong room. This is room 51."
Fernando facepalmed at his stupidity, "Oh, shit. I'm sorry! Uh... I'll leave you guys to your business...Ahaha... I'll close this door for you guys..." He awkwardly grabbed his bag as he stepped out of the room and closed the door.
Well, that was certainly awkward. But, at least Fernando wasn't the only queer on this campus! Fernando smiled at that thought and continued to head down the corridor, looking for his room.
The rooms were scattered like a maze, so it took Fernando over 10 minutes to find his room. Finally, he thought in relief as he took out the key to access the room. He slipped it into the keyhole and twisted it before pushing the door open. The room was empty and dark, so Fernando flipped the light switch to illuminate the room.
The room was dull and needed decorating, which Fernando would happily do. He closed the door behind him and ran over to check the beds for any boys making out before jumping onto the one he decided to claim. Both beds were on opposite sides of the room, beside the wall. Fernando chose the right bed because he'd always liked having the right bed for some odd reason.
As always, Fernando was about to drift off again before he heard keys jangling, dropping, and the door getting slammed open with the sound of a familiar voice, "WAKE THE FUCK UP." Mason.
Mason barged into the room with his bags, not caring to shut the door behind him. He tossed his bags onto the bed on the left and sat down on the bed beside Fernando. He groaned quietly and sat up, "Hey Mason."
"Hey, Sleeping Beauty."
"What took so long?"
"Fucking locker got jammed."
"It got jammed?"
"Yes, idiot. Are you deaf?
"No, shut up!"
An awkward silence was bestowed upon them. Fernando swung his legs on the edge of his bed, his hands clenching on the sheets of his new bed. Mason was just staring off into nothing.
Fernando chuckled quietly and rubbed his eyes, "So... I guess we're roomies now, heh?" Mason nodded and looked around the room, "Guess so, Sleeping Beauty." He chuckled and stood up to see the view from the window in between their beds. He drew the curtains open, allowing for the pale moonlight to flood inside the room and hit Mason perfectly.
His pale white skin glowed in the pale moonlight as his eyes gazed out the window for a few moments, "It's a nice view. Come look." He waved Fernando over, who immediately walked over. He turned his head to face the view and he was in awe once again. He'd never known that the castle was overlooking a majestic lake, where the reflection of the moon could be seen in. It glimmered in the luminescence of the moon. He couldn't help but wonder how it would look in the daylight.
Mason looked over at Fernando, noticing a faint smile growing on his face, causing him to also smile and look back at the beauty in front of them. "It's beautiful..." His hand was placed on the curtains before he pulled it away and let it swing on his sides. They lightly brushed against Fernando's, who didn't seem to notice because of how caught up he was in the beauty of the view outside.
Mason pulled his hand away from brushing against Fernando's and sighed. He sat on his bed, a migraine forming in his head. But, the night wasn't over yet. They still had to go through the orientation speech in the morning, then they wouldn't have classes for the next week. That was one good thing, at least.
His eyes wandered over to Fernando staring out the window, his arms propped on the windowsill with his head on his hands. He certainly always took forever to take in any fascinating view, that much Mason could tell already. He just smiled at the sight as he took his bags off his bed and laid himself down.
Time for a good night's rest.

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