Seasonal Feathers

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(Yes I posted the same song again with this chapter. Hehe.. It goes with this too.)

(F/N)'s Pov

When I wake up in the morning, I notice Rin wasn't behind me, even though I had slept over. The man who takes care of Rin and Shio is nice, his name is Hikaru, but he works a lot, making Rin stay home from school a lot, but he eventually dropped out due to the stress. Shio was going to go to school starting next year, needing all the help he could get. Speaking of Shio, he has still been really distant with everyone but me for some reason. Every morning I normally wake him up, and lay in bed with him for an hour or so, talking while he played with my (H/L) (H/C) hair., staying silent until he said something quietly.

But anyway, I rose from Rins bed and look around the room, wondering where he could be at, I glance at the clock, 8:30 in the morning..? I stood up and spot a note on the dresser, picking it up and looking at it.


I am going out for the day.. Visit Nora.. and just stroll for the day. I made breakfast for you if you wanted it downstairs in the microwave along with Shio. Make sure you tell him this too. Thank you..


I set down the letter and sigh, making the bed quickly as go to the bathroom to brush my bed head quickly, and my teeth, then I wander into Shio's room, noticeably he was still sleeping. I walked to his bed and sat down on the edge, glancing outside quickly, noticing the cherry blossom trees that had pink leaves on them since spring was coming. I smiled as I poked Shio's cheek.

"Hey~ it's time to wake up Shio." I chime quietly in his ear. His small eyes open and he lifts his hands up to rub his eyes. He looks at me as he still laid in his bed, moving over to the wall so I could lay down with him. I nod, still smiling as I crawled into the bed, getting under the covers with him. As soon as I did that he snuggles into me, having one hand grab onto my shirt. I pet his hair as he did that, kissing his forehead.

"How was your sleep?" I ask, looking down at him.


"Okay?" I question. "It wasn't good or great? Did you dream about anything?"

He shakes his head. "I stopped having dreams when.. " he stops himself and shakes his head again. I knew what he meant too. I remember Nora slept with him all the time, now he has to sleep alone in his room. And now that she was gone, he hasn't had any dreams.

"Oh.. Okay," I sigh. "So.. Rin will be gone today, and I'm not sick, so.. how about later.. we go somewhere? Just the two of us?"

Shio looks up at me with widened eyes. "R-Really?"

"Yeah. Why not. It's better than being in the house all day. How about.. ice cream?"

For the first time in a while, I could've sworn I saw his eyes bright up. "Y-Yes..!" He smiles, making me happy that he might be able to be a happy kid.

I nod and he closes his eyes, but opens them again, looking up at me. "C-Can you sing for me..?"

"Hm..? Um.. Yeah.. Sure." I raise my eyebrow at the sudden question.

"Mommy used to sing to me all the time.. Even.. before I was born she said. And when Daddy died, I wouldn't stop crying until she sung to me.."

"Oh.. Okay," I smile and kiss his forehead. "Anything in particular you want me to sing?" I'm a little nervous since I don't normally sing at all.

"Um.. I.. I don't mind what song it is.."

"Okay.. I'll.. sing a.." I think, trying to dig out something that I might've known, but then I remember the song that Nora sung to Shio all the time, listening once when he was crying in the middle of the night. "I'll sing the song that your mommy used to sing."

Shio nods slowly, stuffing his face into my chest, as I started to sing.

The song was about a young villager who met a woman who needed his help one night when it was snowing and how the two came together and fell in love, which related to Nora and Kyousuke. It was called 'Seasonal Feathers'.. (Yeah, the song from the last chapter *^* )

When I finished, I could feel a wet spot on my shirt, looking down at Shio. "H-Hey.. are you okay..?"

Shio nods, holding onto me tighter, obviously crying. He slowly lifted up his head, sniffling. "(F/N)..? H-How.. Did you and Rinny meet..?"

"Oh? Why the sudden question?"

"B-Because.. I-I want to know.. I-if you're like the couple in.. t-the song.. L-Like mommy and daddy.."

When I think back, it was actually sort of like the song.. "Oh.. Um.. okay, so.." Shio looks at me, wiping his eyes.

"It was last year.. And it was actually winter. I was walking home from the store when I started getting sick. My fever was rising and it was really cold out, so, I think I passed by him.. when he said.."
"Oi. Are you okay?" he asks as I looked back at him silently. My face was flushed red, and my legs felt like they were going to fall off any second. But, without realizing it, my legs have out and my knees hit the sidewalk, obviously making me yelp a bit in pain.

The mysterious man ran over to me and helps me up. "Okay.. You're not fine.." He sighs as he threw my arm over his shoulder, helping me walk. "Where is your house?"
I weakly point to the house across the street, making him nod, walking me silently across the street.

Luckily, my door was unlocked as he brought me inside, laying me down on the couch. I didn't know anything about this man, and he was being kind by doing this for me..

The man somehow navigated around my house, finding a cloth and sets it on my head with cold water soaked into it. I look at the man as he sat on the floor in front of me, looking worried. "W-Who.. are you..?" I ask him, feeling a tiny bit better.

"I'm Matsuoka Rin.."

"I-I'm (Y/N).. Nice to meet you.. T-Thank you.. for.. bringing me.. home.." My eyes suddenly closed as I passed out on the couch.


A/N: Cute little chapter?? hehe 

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