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As the party progressed Benjamin and Miranda caught themselves stealing glances here and there. It was evident not only to them but to Princess Rosalind and Duchess Calliope.

"Princess if I may" Callie walked up to Miranda and ushered her to a place where they could talk

"Lady Callie" Miranda looked at her friend confused as to why she pulled her away from her own party

"Prince Benjamin" She looked at her friend. She began to blush just at the mention of the prince's name. "Whats the story"

"No story. Just met him tonight" Miranda scoffed at her friend's insinuation that something more is going on between her and this prince.

"Then why have you both been undressing each other from across the room"

"Have you seen him" She rubbed her face "the man is godly"

"Mhmm not getting any from Lord Tucker" Callie laughed

"Calliope Torres. I do not discuss the matters of my bed with anyone" She blushed. But it was true. She in fact was not engaged in a sexual relationship with her own husband. Ever since the birth of their son the only thing that happens in their bed is sleeping. That is unless he brings his affair in there when Miranda is busy with matters of the kingdom or reading in the library.

"That's a yes. And now you're basically have sex with the soon to be king of MercyWest with just your eyes"

"Soon to be King" Was all Miranda heard. She knew he was heir to the throne since he said it but she didn't know that meant he was already ascending to the throne.

"His father died. Within the next weeks he will he crowned King" Callie nodded taking in her friend's intrigue.
While Callie was trying to get to the bottom of things with Miranda, Rosalind was busy questioning and slightly reprimanding Ben

"The Princess is married Benji" She shook her head

"What do you mean" He chuckled disregarding his sister. He hasn't done anything. At least not yet. The things he could imagine doing to her. She seemed so proper and so innocent. He wondered if she was like that in bed during the throes of passion or if she was completely different.

"You have been basically disrobing her with your eyes this entire time" She hit his shoulder

"I have not" he scoffed. Or at least he wasn't trying to make it obvious

"I know you Benji. That is a married woman and next in line for the throne. What would an affair look like for our lands"

"Who said anything about an affair" He stared at his sister "you read too many romance novels and got your head stuck in your own imagination"

"No I don't. I have eyes Benji. And if I can see it that means her husband can as well as the King and Queen"

"There is nothing to see Roz" He walked outside and stood on the balcony overlooking the kingdom

"Beautiful Kingdom isn't it" The Princess's voice slightly startled him

"Princess Mandy" He calmed his heart back down

"Miranda" She stood next to him

"Hmm" He looked at her unsure of what she said

"It's actually Princess Miranda" She laughed "but my family has been calling me Mandy since I was a little girl"

"Miranda" He repeated. She tried to contain her joy upon hearing him say her name. But he saw the smile creeping on her face. He knew that her husband wasn't giving her attention. Otherwise she would be in there with him not out here grinning just because Ben said her name.

"I come out here to just think some times" She stood next to him accidentally brushing against him. The sudden contact between them slightly shocking both of them. Ben had never felt anything like this around a woman. He just had to know how her lips felt.

"I have a space like that in my castle. Helps you forget the pressure of everything. You aren't the ruler of this kingdom you are just someone admiring it"

"You are soon to become King I hear" She looked at him

"Yeah. With the death of my father the throne is now mine. Although speaking freely. I wish it wasn't" He sighed

"Oh why's that"

"I am a traveler. I like to travel and learn about the world. You see and this may seem silly but I like studying medicine" He slightly chuckled to himself thinking of nobleman who questioned his ability to lead.

"No way I love studying medicine too" The Princess lit up. Ben stared in her beautiful brown eyes and smiled. This was a 100% genuine smile. Medicine is her heart. Not her husband. Not her title. Medicine.


"Aside from my son, I'd say medicine is my heart" She practically glowed talking about medicine. Ben watched her as she talked. She rambled on and on and he smiled at her like an idiot.

"What are you staring at" She looked at him realizing she was the only one talking

"A sight more beautiful than the landscape" He closed the small gap that was between them wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Benjamin" She whispered

"Beautiful and intelligent. Your husband doesn't pay enough attention to you. He is an idiot. You're a queen and I don't just mean your title. You are meant to be worshipped" He leaned down "I'm going to kiss you" he smirked before his lips lightly connected with hers. Smooth,soft, and plump just as he suspected. Electricity shot between them. He deepened the kiss and she let out of soft moan in his mouth. The kiss was a few minutes but felt like a whole lifetime. He pulled away first and Miranda wished the kiss had lasted a few seconds longer.

"That was enchanting" He smiled at her "and I had been wanting to do it all night" He backed away from her
She was speechless. This man just took all the words from her mouth with just a simple kiss. She just stared at him with her fingers brushing against her lips. He looked back over the kingdom and sighed. He could see a future with her and many more kisses like that but she is married. However by her willingness to make out with him. The marriage is not a happy one.

"Princess Miranda, you keep slipping away. Your parents have an announcement" Lady Grey ushered her back inside. She stood next to her husband who wrapped his arm around her waist.
Ben made his way back in and stood next to his sister.

"Everyone as the night draws to an end The Queen and I would like to say something" King William looked at his wife.

"We do have alternative motives to letting Princess Miranda throw the Queens Ball this year" Her mother smiled at her
No. Miranda thought to herself. Don't do this. Not right now. She knew what her parents were about to do and she wished they had talked to her first. She swallowed hard and stared at her parents

"I am stepping down and letting Miranda ascend the throne as Queen" Her father raised his glass "so a toast to Her Majesty, Your future queen".
Miranda looked around as everyone raised a glass to her. She looked forward to one day being in power however not like this not right now. She swallowed back any feelings and smiled.

Her father was abdicating the throne so she could ascend the throne. She's Queen now. And right now the only way she can think of celebrating is by finding Benjamin Warren again.
The chatters quieted and the party ended. People said their congratulations and their goodbyes.

"Congratulations Your highness" Ben smiled as he escorted his sister out
A lingering look lasted between Ben and Miranda. One that wasn't missed by Rosalind

"The throne is ours" Tucker wrapped his arms around his wife
"The throne is mine" She walked away

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